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Acronyms for the Forum

So why is it called a dilda???

Because of what you said, it resembles a dildo.

Spyrorocks named it, he made the image which I can't find right now that said "PWND BY TEH DILDA LAZOR". And that's how the Dilda was born :D

Tell that to robjdixon will ya. LOL And ask him how my nuts taste...
Whoa what is happening here? I just said " AFAIK " and it got a dotted underline...look, if you mouse over the AFAIK you'll see what it means, COOL!

Let's try something else:

Try doing an edit to your post and see if " AFAIK " has any code next to it.
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I seen this one don't know how popular it is (DDnT):

I think it was Techs post on how his nuts taste that reminded me of it, but It means dead nuts= Bullseye or right on...get it.

seen it on a text from a dirt dog worker like me.:)
Yep seen it before (DDnT), we use that statement alot on the construction site when you are using a level, I will add it.
Nope, no code at all, the forum just recognizes it and automatically underlines it, we should ask c0ld about this.
Naa man, it was a joke - This thread was the 1st one that I noticed you had been banned.

They taste good btw

Ah I see.

Yeah got banned again cause of another cry baby. You know I could understand if they didn't play back and I kept hounding a person. I'd complain too..well not really..but I would ignore that person. But when they play back and I elevate it to a level they are not comfortable with, they cry cause they have nothing left.

BTW you are a sick pup!!!

I got some people asking me what BRB meant..


Really?? BRB is almost as old as me LOL Those people must be old technically challenged individuals... :crackup:

Anyways I think the thread was made for laser forum acronyms not general forum acronyms. Although a few has snuck in, we could fill up 3 pages with general acronyms LOL.
