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for referance sorry for double post


Well it looks like Kendall is out of sleds...

I'll have to wait awhile before I order mine I suppose. Did he say that he planned on keeping them in stock on a regular basis?
Great compelation of current information. Subscribed! I know I'll be refering to this thread in the future. +rep!
I like the effort and comparisons, but you've done a little bit of re-inventing the wheel as far as comparing laser diodes to each other, and made more work for yourself.

Really, to compare them, you just need a few numbers: threshold current and slope efficiency being the main ones, with threshold voltage as well.
I like the effort and comparisons, but you've done a little bit of re-inventing the wheel as far as comparing laser diodes to each other, and made more work for yourself.

Really, to compare them, you just need a few numbers: threshold current and slope efficiency being the main ones, with threshold voltage as well.

You are surely right, but the point is that, when I started with the first plots, the members were showing different data each other, so I had to "arrange" a simple I/Po graph with the annexed list of the owners lasers technical data.
As you can see, the "General" graph is difficult to read due to too much points/curves, its use was just to show the average output of the various diodes used by the members.
Few days ago a member asked me to "improve" my job, adding the Eff. curve, and another member asked me to add also the Pi/Po curve: I have simply done what they asked me, and I have foreseen different threads just to add into each of them more plots of other diodes, but of the same type.

If all the members, which will like to have their diodes efficiency plotted in this new form, will supply me of the needed data, probably I'll be able to delete the "General" graph (the Members List will be maintained) as the new are more precise and complete, and maybe I'll be able to modify/improve also these new graphs, according to the suggestions of guys more expert in electronic comparisons rather me. Sorry for the reinvention of the wheel, surely you would have been able to do a better work.
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iskor12 and jander6442:

Now you can see also the Eff. plots relevant to the first Dave BDR-203 testing....:yh:
I have two 8x sleds for sale :)

And i JUST finished my NEW KEYCHAIN 8X BUILD!!!

Jay's CR2 Keychain kit, with a 405-G1 lens, and a BDR-S03 diode!!!

Set at 305mA, it is outputting 428mW!!!

I do believe, this IS the SMALLEST, most POWERFUL 8x build in the WORLD!!!

I'm gunna take some pics! FrancoRob, would you like to add this information to the graph as well? I know im already on there, but this is a different diode, in a WAY smaller host, at a different current.

I just think it's cool that i finaly built a build NO ONE ELSE has ever built before ^_^

Thanks, Pics are comin!!! I'm gunna start a new thread about it in the B/S/T section, as it is for sale everyone!!!

Tyler - Dark Lasers
Schweet! :D

Watch those duty cycles!

Would you mind taking a few voltage measurements for us my good man?

times like these.. i still wish i was living in southern california..

so many good people to meet up and play/talk about lasers with..

Datasheet updated :yh:! He he, Dave is right; for the moment and for what I know (but it is not mandatory), Dave is the only member having a portable BR 8x with a "frozen" output of 512mW! :whistle:

(P.S.: If someone has a more powerful portable BR laser, knock on the door...):anyone:
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Misterwilling has a good shot at the highest power BR claim.

He took the 8X diode I tested @ 350ma = 441 mw,

And later ran it up to 420ma....

420ma should = 530 mw

That's the highest number I've seen for a 8X Blu-Ray....

which is a 250mw peak power diode.

It appears that was too high, since it degraded after a few hours.

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It did suffer from some sort of degredation, but it did not die completely. Output was actually still very high, I just noticed the dot shape was different when un-focusing. If I wasn't so anal I would of turned the current down and left it alone. But when trying to clean the window to make sure it wasn't dirty I knocked the window out and INSTANT DEATH. Here are pictures http://laserpointerforums.com/f38/8x-diode-degradation-42088.html

Yes, I know, you sent me a PM in date 07-12-2009; but as you wrote about this "peak", you only tested this level long enough for a quick reading.
To be honest, I was thinking that the value of the "8x Owners" data was to give to all readers the feeling of how each laser will live in the "frozen living" configuration. That is, operating the laser in the recorded setting/configuration. Misterwilling diode death has been an unwanted accident, and it happened at the data I have recorded, but I hope to see him soon with a new "shining" 8x BR!!:yh:

I know, it's difficult to evaluate how much time a happy owner is powering his 8x jewel, but this is a useful datum to understand the diode life capability. So I would like to receive more info from the various owners, just for a best knowledge of all the Forum Members....

In the case of Dave diode, he said has stopped recording the "power on" time after 20 operating hours, and in spite of his, how can I say, "accuracy" in treating his diode, it could be the case of a Super-diode (and a Super-lucky Dave :D) or not, but only a general behaviour af all 8x diodes will tell us if it is a damned lucky case or a more general "high survivability.....
