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532nm over the Ocean!

Jul 13, 2013
Hey Everyone!

I've been promising some beam shots, so I guess it's about time I deliver. :drool:

Some notes: It's still light outside, as you can see. The beam shows up poorly on camera (So incredible in person), and it was foggy out! ;)











Look out for my upcoming "Skylaser HL 300mW 532nm" review coming soon. It will feature all of these images and more, as well as 2 - 4 videos of the laser in action. :beer:

Thanks for checking it out! :thanks: :beer:

Edit: Reworded the above sentence, as previously it was taken as begging for rep. It was intended as a 'thank you' to those who did, so I didn't have to message everyone who did a 'thanks'. :beer:​
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Ohhh, nice pictures Cody! :)
I especially love the ones with you facing the camera with that green beam coming out, makes you look so ferocious :evil:

Edit: It may be best to directly post the pictures on the thread, it would be more convenient.
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Ohhh, nice pictures Cody! :)
I especially love the ones with you facing the camera with that green beam coming out, makes you look so ferocious :evil:

Edit: It may be best to directly post the pictures on the thread, it would be more convenient.

Done! :beer:
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Don't be lazy, people will appreciate the extra effort.

Nice pics though, mysterious hooded guy with laser shoots over ocean.
Don't upload to LPF directly, use an image hosting site. Then you can post them easy and have them stored somewhwre as a backup
IMO its not a bad thing, if anything using a photo hosting site makes it easier. Photobucket, imgur, etc..... plus using those sites gives you various poating options; direct url, email url, forum code (perfect for here) andyou can do the whole albums and what not.

Not saying you are doing it wrong because to each their own, just suggesting an easier way IMO. Direct embedded photoa are always nicer :) personally I hate the thumbnail photos of LPF and that it takes time to load. Its impossible to vjew on a phone too. You don't have to take my suggestion but just food for thought. Either way I guess ill go take a look at them when I get home since people say they are good ;)

FYI flickr went to a subscription base hosting too. No morr free hosting. I've always used photobucket and nrvwr had a ptoblem with it or load times, even loading from my phone.
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I make the same choice when it's not worth it.

I'll have to try some of the recommendations given.

And I don't think people give criticism just because. There's just a better way sometimes. If you're not open to change when something better is suggested, then you wouldn't learn a whole lot.
Uploading photos to LPF] - I think over the past year I have uploaded more photos to the forum than anybody. This is the process I use:

1. resize the photos I want to post. My photos are taken at 12, 13 or 24MP depending on which camera I use and the image size setting. There are many programs that will let you resize them. I use ACDsee to resize them to 800 x 600 pixels.

2. Upload them to Photobucket - to upload 25 photos at 800x600 takes about a minute

3. Go to LPF, make a new thread (for me usually in the Multimedia section) write what I
need to write. Go back to Photobucket, choose a photo and click "Links to Share This
Photo" and click on "IMG" and it copies. Go back to the Forum and paste it in the
thread. I like to leave a space in between my photos so before I go back to get
another photo, I hit enter and it leaves a space.

I usually post 25 pics at time and it takes about 10 minutes to get them on the forum.
I always use "Preview Post" before I post to make sure all is good before I post. I used
to just attach photos and have the thumbnails in the post, but that too is a pain for

That is how I go about posting my photos on LPF and it seems to follow the correct
protocol as nobody has ever given me a hard time. The whole process takes about 15

I have all of my photos (over 34000 pics) on Flickr and it does not allow me to directly post them onto LPF as Photobucket does
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XxCodyDarnellxX, I never used Photobucket, but the free version of imageshack with much less free space and less options to put pictures up here.

Please remind me on the 2th of February via PM if I haven´t done the review by then.
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I know this is kind of circumventing the process, but couldn't you open a new email for the sole purpose of photobucket? Then set your browser to remember your login info?

Sorry about my post I just realized that if you're ~17-18 (judging by your pictures just my SWAG) Then you honestly can't remember a time that America hasn't been at war. You would have been 5 or 6 when all this started... So here's my formal apology for being kind of a dick.

I couldn't tell if it was erased or if it was a finger lol.

Rofl. Yeah, my friends absolutely hate when anyone uses "Swag", so I generally upload all of my pictures in the pink robe with "Swag". They hate the pink robe too. xD

Uploading photos to LPF] - I think over the past year I have uploaded more photos to the forum than anybody. This is the process I use:

I'm a fan of your photos brucemir. Nice work! :beer:

And thanks for the mini-guide. I've never heard of ACDsee, but I'll give it a go. :thanks:
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Oh gosh. S.W.A.G. Scientific Wild Ass Guess! I'm not that old yet am I? #YOLO

DJNY, I'd be interested to see that review, I've only ever used photobucket since I got my first "real" digital camera back in 2007.

Brucemir, Other than saving time is there a reason you shrink it prior to uploading to photobucket? I thought they auto resized.
Oh gosh. S.W.A.G. Scientific Wild Ass Guess! I'm not that old yet am I? #YOLO

DJNY, I'd be interested to see that review, I've only ever used photobucket since I got my first "real" digital camera back in 2007.

Brucemir, Other than saving time is there a reason you shrink it prior to uploading to photobucket? I thought they auto resized.

I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm sure in school you remember "PEMDAS"?

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally?

Yeah, no. This is 2014.

Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag. ;)
They don't auto resize afaik but you are able to shrink once uploaded but its kinda a pain since its a few steps per photo and there is no bulk resize option :(
Crap. My pictures aren't all huge are they!? I didn't think they were, I don't resize my pictures ever!
Hi Javalin,
It would take a long time to upload to Photobucket 25 files at approx. 7 MB (or more) per photo. I find it easier just to resize the ones I am going to post at 800 x 600 since it take less than a minute to upload. Plus with ACDsee you can batch resize
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Okay. So I've had my coffee and breakfast, and feel much better re-reading everything. I see now that I really should've waited 'til I had access to an image hosting site before starting a thread for the images, so I'm gonna go guess my password or make a new email for photobucket, upload them there, then embed them all like I do with my reviews. :beer:

And I never resize my images either. Hopefully that's not going to become too huge of an issue. :thinking:
