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505nm diode?

I don't think the line density of the diffraction grating was the problem here. You need to set this up where you have a greater distance between the grating and the surface where the ordered maxima are to be measured. This will give you more accurate measurements of different wavelengths as these do not have a linear relationship to each other.

Hi ,
Well they are on there way i ordered the 505's and also a few 480nm diodes this should be interesting . Both current specs are 125mA 35mW for the 505 and 55mW for the 480nm diode.

These diodes should be amazing. An 55mW + of 480nm. :drool:

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Hi ,
Well they are on there way i ordered the 505's and also a few 480nm diodes this should be interesting . Both current specs are 125mA 35mW for the 505 and 55mW for the 480nm diode.


Got a link for the supposed 480nm diodes?
Hi Curtis, i can't wait to see the 480 in action after testing for currents evaluation. Nice beam shot buddy looks awesome
@ cynical,
The supplier had just a few on had at the moment hopefully they will get more.

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Thanks Rich, I believe it is a pic by Styropyro with his 476/480nm laser.
I don't how much, but its possible that we could push these higher than 480nm by exceeding the current slightly.
Hi Curtis,
All I can say is we will see after testing unfortunately my crystal ball isn't work right at the moment. I am curious also buddy once I receive them and pressed in a12 mm and put into the labby we will see . I'm just hope that they can take the jump without failure

Hi Curtis yes it is slow testing is the best way to achieve a final safe result

I'm looking forward to running one of these 505nm diodes on my spectrometer to see what WL we can get at different current settings. :D
Whoa 480nm? Count me in... Ever since the loss of the 476/480 I bought off styro a while back I've been dreaming of the day I could get my hands on something 'higher up' in the blue WLs again. Subbed
Hi ,
Well they are on there way i ordered the 505's and also a few 480nm diodes this should be interesting . Both current specs are 125mA 35mW for the 505 and 55mW for the 480nm diode.


WOW Yea When i talked to Song Song she tipped me off about the 480nm diodes But I was keeping quiet until i heard a price and power rating. I should be ordering my 505nm next week.
