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405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Krutz said:
oh, if there only was any news about the lenses.. *sigh*


Umm, sorry, i thought i mentioned i would take a break, till i fully recover. I wanted to give everyone some time to make up their minds.. In the meanwhile i was only checking my PMs once a day.. My vision has been back to normal for almost a week now, but the fun part was/is catching up with all the lost time/work. :(

Anyway, i ordered 300 lens nuts from AixiZ, and i asked for a personal Visa at my bank, so i can extract the money from PayPal.

The price, as was mentioned, would be about $25, yes, if at all possible <$25. For the broadbands, yes. If more than 40 are ordered at once (we could go up to 80), then the price would be lower, obviously..

I will read and reply all posts later. Need to go back to work now.

Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

has the order been finalized yet?

if no, put me down for
1x broadband
1x violet
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

mmmm not so bad of a price. i may want a couple
Price seems sensible, compared to a Thorlabs lens with 400-700nm coating, especially when S&H and customs are factored in.

Are the broadband ones supposed to be achromats, or regular?
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

It is a single element lens, and if you use it in a single wavelength laser it will focus fine, a achromatic would be more than one element and the only benefit w/b that the lens focal length w/b the same for all colors, which in our uses is not needed. If you need a lens for your Argon multi-wavelength laser, this may not the one for you. These are great for diode lasers of most any wavelength in visible light.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Ok, everyone.. I'm back!

Just a couple of hours ago i finally caught up with all the work, that piled up, while i was blind.. I can finally rest. Well. Untill tomorrow.. :(

There are two important things i need to do tomorrow, now that i finally have some time:
1. Make 100% sure, the lens has good (low) distortion properties (i'm only 99.997% sure at the moment)
2. Make 1000% sure, the lens works in the AixiZ lens nut, when ground down to 7mm (this part will be the most fun! Glass splinters, here i come! It scares me, so i was postponing it, but it has to be done!)

I already ordered 300 lens nuts a while ago, because the testing i already did was positive enough. But since this time i won't only be investing my money only, i don't want to put ANY risk on any of you.

In any case, after i do the final verification, we can get this thing rolling! And what perfect timing! The 6x are becoming affordable! Now THAT is where the lenses will make a HUGE difference!

I can't wait! :o
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

scopeguy20 said:
It is a single element lens, and if you use it in a single wavelength laser it will focus fine, a achromatic would be more than one element and the only benefit w/b that the lens focal length w/b the same for all colors, which in our uses is not needed.  If you need a lens for your Argon multi-wavelength laser, this may not the one for you.  These are great for diode lasers of most any wavelength in visible light.

Indeed. The lens does not have to be an achromatic lens to work in any wavelength diode laser. The only difference will be the focal length. For blu rays, it will be shorter than for reds. The lens will have to sit deeper inside.

Also, an achromatic doublet would reduce the power due to the two elements and the bonding agent in the middle.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

woo hoo cant wait!

lawl im in for 3 not 4. so that clears my question mark.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

I wonder if coloring the inside of the axis module/Kryton barrel black would also help reduce the number of reflections that go back into the diode..
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

IgorT said:
In any case, after i do the final verification, we can get this thing rolling! And what perfect timing! The 6x are becoming affordable! Now THAT is where the lenses will make a HUGE difference!

I can't wait! :o

Everything good is coming out at the same time, and I don't have enough money for any of it... haha
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

well i will want 3 :)

do you by any chance have an eta on when we could get these shipped?
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Count me in for 2 broadband lenses, in addition to the blu-ray lens I asked for earlier

Thanks for all your hard work, Igor!
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

I somewhat managed to get the lens in.. I had no choice, but to use tiny drops of glue to affix it to the top edge of the lens nut. (the samples are not yet reduced in size).

This resulted in the lens being very dirty and at a slight, barelly noticable angle, so the spot was not very nice. I can not yet say for sure, how much of the splatter was from the garbage on the diode, or some distortions.. IF there are any distortions, they are the lowest i have seen so far. But it is possible, that when the FL is so short, some "wings" will always be present, like with the Meredith, perhaps simply because the lens has such a high NA, that it collects the very sides of the output.... Need to do more testing on this.

I have no choice but to try to grind the lens edge down (it has an extended edge, which is not a part of the effective diameter), and get it into the lens nut, so it's not at an angle, which causes distortions by itself.

This is the part i feared the most. I was hoping i could avoid it. I have two samples and many diamond plated grinding tools, but it's just scary.. :(

But i have managed to figure out some things even so.
- The power was increased, even tho the samples are not coated and the lens was HORRIBLY dirty
- If there are distortions, they are the lowest so far. So low i am not even sure if they are there, it could be just the dirt and a slight tilt of the imperfectly mounted lens.
- The FL is quite short. Shorter, than i originally assumed. The lens has to sit very close to the diode.
- The beam is noticably thinner and it doesn't have the "wings" that bothered me so much with the other two lenses.
- Due to the lens having to be so close, it might be better, if it was put into the retaining ring area instead of under it. That would mean a larger diameter, so it would stop at the inner step, which would also hold it at the right angle.
- The focusing works very nice and burning is easy.
- The spot from up close looks normal. Only at the distance is there some splatter. Hopefully just from the dirt.

So wish me luck and say a prayer, i will attmpt the grinding tomorrow. If i should fail, i will have to do something even scarier - asking the manufacturer for more samples, but ground down to the right size.. (Every time i ask for a favor they start ignoring me :()
tiny miscroscopic angle differences lead to wedge-shaped focus blobs (can't say focus points anymore)
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Zom-B said:
tiny miscroscopic angle differences lead to wedge-shaped focus blobs (can't say focus points anymore)

That is what i am hoping for, because when i manage to get it in at the right angle, the spot looks almost normal.
