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405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Ok, i managed to update the list, but i can't do a recount. Could someone please help me with that? Just to check if i counted correctly, my eye is starting to hurt.. :'(

The rest should check if their wishes are on the list (no need to say if it's right, only say so, if it's wrong!).
And with some names i have question marks next to them, it would help if those of you could decide.

Due to the coating costs, and lens costs with smaller orders, it may be hard to do a similar GB in the future, unless we get to a similar number of orders again! So basically, everyone should think real good about what they want.

Got to go! More info soon!


K-shell: The first lens was custom made to specs, but that one doesn't work. It's all a bit more complicated now. At the moment, the best lens so far (a different manufacturer) is not completelly custom, but rather a lens, that was already made and turned out to be suitable with small modifications (diameter reduced - a centering rim partially removed) and with a custom coating.

I do have some specs, and i also just asked for the reflection graphs (AR coating performance).

Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Make sure you get a re-confirmation from Chris (heruursciences),. His last postings express that he is about to make a major change in employment (and selling off all of his laser stuff.

Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

One last thing.. I am getting PMs regarding this new plan.

I read the ones i got, and updated the list, but i REALLY can't keep doing so just yet, and i'm worried they would get lost among all the other PMs, by the time i can.

And ideas or wishes regarding the mini-GB participation or changes of the order should be posted here please. It would be MUCH easier for me to sort through once i can, and if not, i could ask someone else to do it.

Oh, and i also just got the final price. It's looking good! I can prepare calculations soon!
Igor, I really hope you heal quickly. Eyesight damage can be a real downer. Get well soon.

If available, I would be in for one lens in the GB.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Wow this just got really complicated. All I know is if it's only <1% difference between blu and broadband then I'll just take 2 broadband instead if it's cheaper. Such a minimal % means nothing to me and it would be good to have broadband if I ever changed the blu or red to a different color.

Edit: I'd like to be in the mini group buy if the lenses are broadband.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

I'll be in for the mini GB ;)
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

I need to know prices. I would also like to be in the mini GB. That is depending on the price, however. That being said, i rest my case.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

IgorT said:

K-shell: The first lens was custom made to specs, but that one doesn't work. It's all a bit more complicated now. At the moment, the best lens so far (a different manufacturer) is not completelly custom, but rather a lens, that was already made and turned out to be suitable with small modifications (diameter reduced - a centering rim partially removed) and with a custom coating.

I do have some specs, and i also just asked for the reflection graphs (AR coating performance).

Ok, I could let the scientists who work with the lasers take a look into it if you would like

I’m sure you have done your homework and I don’t know if they would be of too much help, but they might have some recommendations.

One thing to consider though, and I know I can’t do this persionaly but, We build PVD and MBE coating systems. We build sputter, pulsed laser and pulsed electron deposition systems. These systems could easily coat a multi-layer film of just about any material or composition onto glass

Like I said, I/we can’t do it (id loose my job for sure) but I’m sure we have some ties with companies who can (e.g. I’m going to Osram Sylvania's LED research division in Boston in about a month to install one ;D ). Ill ask our sales guy when he’s not busy if he knows any good lens coating facility that might want the job


Ill take 2x of the wide bandpass lenses
If their less than $25 each
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

JaxSmirkingRevenge said:
Igor, I really hope you heal quickly. Eyesight damage can be a real downer. Get well soon.

If available, I would be in for one lens in the GB.

Thanks. I am improoving quite considerably, and i believe today was the last time i had to get a feaking injection into my eye! :o
Which is very good news, since the more the injections help, the better i can see them.. :'(

I've been asked if i damaged my eye with lasers. No, it was not lasers, at least not their beams. It might have been a tiny aluminum shaving from making lasers, altho the doctor disagrees - he says it would have to be a huge aluminum rock, to cause this.

In any case, i will be back up and running in no time. I'm just trying to put as little strain as possible on my eyes till then, so too much reading is a no-no.

Anyway, there is still time for any changes, but you have to tell me, which GB you would like to be in... The main one for the 405nm lenses or the mini one for the broadband lenses?
LOL Igor, those were the exact responses I got when I had to wear the eyepatch, everyone (neighbors) was positive it was the lasers they almost felt a bit smug in the I told you so way...they were soo disapointed when I told them it was just a piece of alu that lodged itself in my cornea. Needless to say the relationship with my neighbors is not a good one....
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Ok, about the prices..

It's like this.. For the broadband lenses, the coating will be cheaper, yes, but the lenses themselves will be more expensive, due to the "low" quantity - only 40.

For the rest of the lenses, the coating will cost WAY more, but the lenses will be cheaper, due to the higher quantity.

If we do a mini GB now, i'm afraid the broadband lenses will cost a tiny bit more, than the 405nm ones, simply because with the 405nm ones, the much higher coating price will get spread out over many lenses. The only reason a mini GB first is possible at all is the fact, that the manufacturer is willing to put the 40 lenses into the coating machine with another of their orders, and do it at a fraction of the cost.

The ONLY way to get around this would be to do ALL the lenses at the same time, reach a lower price per lens, have most of them 405nm ML coated, and a few broadband coated, by having the manufacturer put them into the machine with another order of theirs, like they would for the first 40.

However in this case, i would not be able to tell any one of you what power increase to expect from the 405nm lenses. If i test the broadbands first, i only have to add 0.8% on top, and we know exactly what we will get.

So the idea behind the mini GB is to get good lenses for reds or blu rays, for those who want them asap, and to do the final testing before the big purchase.

Had i not already bought 30 spherical lenses from the first manufacturer, which don't work (increased power but also bad distorions), and lost a lot of money, i would simply buy the 40 broadbands myself. I will still probably buy half of them tho, so i just need a few people (like 20), who are willing to go into this with me this time, so i don't carry the entire load myself, like last time.

Now, i realize, that none of you want to lose even a few dollars. On the other hand, i already threw/invested >$600 away, just to get to this point!

However, this time i know one thing for sure! This lens works! It does not have the distortions i got with the spherical ones - it produces the familiar pattern of the acrylics, which are also aspherics (i wish i knew this sooner). The only thing i do not know yet, is the precise percentage of power increase it will bring, because the samples i have here are uncoated.

But whatever the power increase will be, it will be the most possible for a lens with these dimensions and FLs, due to an extremelly high transmittance glass and the proper coating. The power for reds will not only be higher than with the clear acrylics and the triple element glass, it will even be higher, than with the AR coated acrylics (like the dilda lens), which is the best cheap lens for reds at the moment.

And due to decreased reflections, we will be able to further increase the current on top, reach even more power, without increasing the risk to the diode compared to using uncoated optics. Basically, when you put in a coated lens, you increase the power and reduce the strain on the diode (no reflections going back in). To the diode, this is the same as using a lower current. So if you then raise the current a little, you can get even more power out, at the same risk for the diode as you would have using uncoated optics, before the double increase in power!

Anyway, if you are after a certain percentage, then you don't even have to consider the mini GB.

But if you just want the best lens possible, that still works in the AixiZ module (positioning - FLs...), then join me, and let's do this! All i need is 20 people, who want one lens for now and maybe a couple more later for their blu rays....

The final lens will be a bit cheaper tho, and bring 0.8% more for blu rays (but won't work for reds), however, it's just about a few dollars at this point.

Again, i know most of you don't even want to waste $5, but for me, after the spherical disaster lens, a few dollars don't really matter anymore. Not if they can bring this project to a succesful conclusion!

For me, at this point, the difference between finishing this or not, is like the difference between seeing the spherical lenses as just a bump in the road, or a complete failure.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Oh, and one last thing. This mini-GB may be the only chance to get broadband lenses without paying the full coating price for them too.

In order to keep the price in the main order down, we can only afford one type of coating at the full price. This addition-price is a special offer, that they might not give me twice.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Since the lenses work I have no problem jumping into the mini group buy for broadband coating. Like I said in my other post I'd like to change my order from 1 blu and 1 ml to 2 broadband.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Ooo, if this is the only chance, how many can I obtain? Also what price? I was thinking of acquiring 10 or something, but I just don't know what the price is per lens. If it's like $15/lens or something, I might have to revise the number.
Re: 405nm AR glass lenses - fit AixiZ  FEELER

Lasercrazy said:
Since the lenses work I have no problem jumping into the mini group buy for broadband coating. Like I said in my other post I'd like to change my order from 1 blu and 1 ml to 2 broadband.

You did say you'd like the broadband, but you also said "if cheaper" at the end...

The broadband coating will be cheaper for the 40, but the 40 broadband coated lenses will cost a bit more in a mini-GB, because of a higher price per uncoated lens with the small quantity..

I do have the prices, but i have to factor in the various fees first (PP in, PP out, bank tansfer). Also, the prices will have to be in Euro. I can't risk the dollar suddenly changing in the middle. Better to do conversions on the spot.

Anyway, i will have to force one of the samples into an AixiZ lens nut right about now, to test the mounting.. This is gonna be fun. I have two. If i break both, i will have to ask the manufacturer if they can just reduce a couple to 7mm first, and send me that.. But i fear they would put me on the spam filter again. ;D
