Re: Worlds most powerful handheld 4.4W 445nm
Oh I get it, ARGLaser - you only said "This is probably the first and last dual diode (of the same wavelength) laser I will make."
You only said "probably" which means you are not against making another or more, if it make sense to do so----also doesn't rule out a tri-diode bulid at some point either nor dual or tri diode multi-wavelength builds.
Very cleverly worded.
In whatever direction you go, beyond hat you have already accomplished, you can count on my support if you need or want same----whatever I can do, I will do--just PM me. I am sure same goes for many members.
Thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this first dual diode, single wavelength 4.4W 445nm handlheld.
It is a real joy to see someone take hold of a difficult thing to implement in the real world. wrestle all the obstacles to the ground, and at the end of the day come up with a stunning and functional prototype.