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FrozenGate by Avery

$38 445 diodes Free shipping

Now when are you gonna start selling those 10w green diodes of yours :D

heh Tech_junkie u should change ur name to Troll_Junkie :crackup:
Great! now I am just waiting on those SIAKs I have been waiting to buy for months ;)
Ive been dreaming of buying a SAIK kit :D i will eventually, i also want a Ehgemus host :drool:
So uhm every one got their diodes? Im still waiting. Hope tnt post didnt lose my diodes again...
Strange... Yours were a pain in the butt because I had to fill out all the international forms.
What forms? Its just a single piece of paper you write the address on and whats in the package.
seriously...more than half my sales have been international...and its easy as hell...ya know paypal takes care of all that for you right?? you just type in the necessary info and paypal prints all that crap for you, even the shipping label.... then again is it your paypal or your dad's??
