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FrozenGate by Avery

300 mW SKYlaser Issue

Nov 24, 2011
Hello, all!

It's been some time since I've been here, and since then I have noticed a serious decline in the power of my SKYlaser. Of course, it was my first laser and I payed far too much for it from a re-seller in California. (Stay away from that seller.) I've purchased new batteries, charged the old ones, and still I see serious loss in power. I never rated the laser, but it was advertised to be 300 mW. From what I learned since then, that advertisement seems to have been accurate, and now I see output from 30-50 mW. No more burning, just SLIGHT warmth on sensitive skin.

So. Pardon the long post, but I simply cannot find any posts or threads dealing directly with this issue. Any thoughts on a remedy? Perhaps my diode is just fried...



Forgive the new post here, I've just become desperate with this question-Anyone find a solid 1 watt greenie? DIYs, or purchases?

One thing that might help folks around here to offer guidance would be to post a link to the laser - or, if no longer sold, perhaps some photo(s). There are some pretty ingenuitive people here with a lot of laser knowledge. Maybe someone can offer guidance on a repair or, if nothing else, help you with purchasing a reputable "next" laser. Many of your options even have warranties.

Best of luck...

We would LOVE to help in ANYWAY we can.
However, atm ,its kinda like asking the doctor.


"What else does he have?"

I will say that Sky makes their units bomb proof and they are not meant to be disassembled. Everything is glued down permanently as I found out when I had an issue and decided to try and take it apart.
Is this a 532nm?
that info is needed.
There are LPF members now with LPMs in every state(almost)
So a test NOT involving 'sensititve skin' could be more helpful.
Have you tried to follow some kind of 'duty/rest cycle'?

Only a very few 300mW 532s have every been made with an active cooling system that truly allows 'NO rest ' use.

As Pman noted getting inside some lasers is not just a waste of time but you may do more harm than good.

Personally I would enjoy it as is and when it finally stops (AFAIK this in inevitable) Only then should you take apart to rebuild- This may take strap wrenches and a heat gun or even glue solvents ( like PB Blaster).

. I personally would seek others at LPF who have already done this(for advice) or even may be able to take yours apart for you.
There are several makers that seem to have a great track record for both dependability and a warranty that is honored. One is JETLASERS. ATM we( I work for JL)- is currently closing out two older models- one very nice TITANIUM laser is the 532 Ti-B in 100 and 150mW which is extremely well made and VERY bright. These were introduced to us at $220 now the last are being sold out at about 1/2 that price-
I have some here in Texas and there are a dozen or two left at JL China.

It i s a very common misbelief that a 100 mW 532 nm DPSS is not all that bright- This is NOT correct at all. Equal brightness to a 1WATT 445 LD laser takes ONLY 35mW of 523 to match--

Your other options with JLs is the PL-Es( NOT Pro) in several versions- These come with the same warranty of 6 months as all others from JL- If and when an issue comes up you can count on JL to do EVERYTHING possible to help you out- Jl is the best at keeping all buyers happy- and this includes free shipping for defective lasers within the warranty and ONLY if you have not voided the warranty. That is SOP with ALL makers-( and NOT just lasers)

JL will still works with you after the 6 months and are by far the best people to have work on your JL laser.( do you get your Chevy fixed by Ford???) Of course the free shipping is now off the table. SOP
The sale will end soon.

Thats my advice.

GL hak
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You would do well to listen to Haks input. He is a VERY well respected member here and knows what he is talking about.
Don't even know how many 532nm (green) lasers I own at this point but they are my favorites. If I had to choose, keeping a 500mw 532nm over a 3.5W 650 (blue) is a no brainer.
100mw of 532nm DPSS is no joke.
Don't believe there's any way of taking it apart unless they built them different back when you bought yours. I would keep yours and get something else.
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Hey man!

It sucks you have problems with your laser! If you could post more details about the seller and duty cycles etc. Like suggested above it will help!

Also can you verify that it is askylaser product? ( is there a white stocker on it with a serial number?). If so you can send an email to skylaser requesting details of the laser.

Also next time you may want to buy skylaser products directly from them of via one of my groupbuys (discounted) you get warrantee that way so you will be sure it will be worth the money you paid for it.

I will be gladd to help you. You can send me messages if you have a question. And you are welcomed in a future GB (small add like hak :beer: )
The SKY lasers have a great rep here and the members who set up the GBs are doing all a big favor-

BTW when JL first started out they got the best brand of ready-made laser including those from SKY - They modded them with some improvements. some got o-rings to make a better water resistant lasers- in some they replaced the Aluminum threads on the focus with brass. They later began their own designs and that is where Jl is now.

The close out prices on the last of the Pl-Es and Ti-Bs will end soon- whle the new Pro line is an imnprovement there was not much wrong with those that came before the Pro;--plus you can add a second tube and use a pair of 18650s or King Kong 26650s
that is not reccomened with the Pro line- fully charged they are too hot, to use more than one.

If I were looking for another brand I would go with Sky and the GBs-
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Aint this about SKY lasers ?

Not JET lasers ?


My feeling about this all is that SKY lasers has there stuff done, while Jetlasers are still experimenting.
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Hi lilcomposer, since we are practically neighbors,
if you would like to verify your estimated output,
I could LPM it for you.

Sending a PM to you.
Aint this about SKY lasers ?

Not JET lasers ?


My feeling about this all is that SKY lasers has there stuff done, while Jetlasers are still experimenting.

heh.. i dont know which laser lilcomposer means - a pic will be clear to us - so far we dont have any dealer in CA yet - i believe many people here can help meter the laser and offer the best suggestions on how to get the laser issue resolved. Or if there is a model number and warranty, better have the manufacturer repair it. :)
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Doesn't appear the OP is overly concerned about getting help seeing as its been 4 days and he never replied on his own thread...

If he does come back I will say that I own a 300mW PL from the GBs and what I notice is the laser is a hard core mode hopper and wildly fluctuates output while it warms up. Until about a full minute into runtime it will jump around from 100mW all the way up to around 350mW. Its possible he is not allowing the laser to warm up properly. He could very well be in a cold climate since he gave almost no details...
Wow! I really didn't think anyone would be interested. BUT, bowtieguy met with me today to measure it. (Thanks bowtieguy!) I was just about right, it measured in at 45 mW. I cannot be sure, now, if this is a SKY laser, or some other knock-off. I contacted the seller whom I thought I bought from, and my unit seems to match theirs. I'm not sure about a serial/model number match though, as I don't know which site to use to compare.

45 mW of 532, 24 mW of 'other'
Model #DPL S/N 1001131101
Details: P532F-300B-Fa

Model# and Details are printed on the tail cap. (FDA "approved")

As well, I should mention that I had to fashion two new safety pins for the back. One is seriously damaged, the other seems to be able to hold it's weight. Could it be this? I really wonder/feel stupid now that I realized this, but I still wonder why such a drop in power exists. You're all asking questions that I should have provided answers for to begin with, and I THANK you all for your help with this. I can't seem to find a way to post a picture, which I would like to do. How can I do this? Forgive my stupidity, guys.
Forgive my lack of detail, I didn't want to overload anyone who may not want to read all of it. Thank you for your thought though! I'm in a warm climate, and I wait a minute or so for it to power up. It does fluctuate, though...Not enough to really change much.
Glad bowtieguy the hero helped you meter the laser. Now it is time to get the seller in touch and ask for the return&refund instructions - good luck man.
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Forgive my lack of detail, I didn't want to overload anyone who may not want to read all of it. Thank you for your thought though! I'm in a warm climate, and I wait a minute or so for it to power up. It does fluctuate, though...Not enough to really change much.

DPSS laser is like a woman during the crimson flood.
Its natural.

Best of luck to you mate.
Did you LPM it with an OPHIR head?
TEC heads tend to miss the peak outputs
