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268mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! (With FlexDrive!) - Awesome!

Re: 268mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! - With FlexDrive!

Hey you guys, thanks for all the great comments! :)

daguin said:
I've gotta make a trip down to Lowes now.



:) Dave,
This comment made me laugh out loud!

danq, these are great little rechargeable batteries... But remember that the smaller one is only 90mAh capacity. I think it is just right for this little key chain build with a PHR blu-ray, but for a 6X or a red burner set at 400ish mA's it would not be much capacity. It would work though...
Edit: Now that I have my tail cap drilled out to fit a 200mAh 10280 battery, I've got a red build at 200mW's, and a 6X blu-ray at 268mW's! :D

I did some searching for a suitable charger, and all I could come up with is the Lithium coin cell charger that I linked in the first post. A normal CR123 charger would put out too much charging current and not be good for the 10280.

Kenom, I can imagine what you mean! Way too small to try to drill it by hand... Needs to be precise. A lathe my friend, is the proper tool for this job... ;)
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Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

jayrob said:
danq, these are great little rechargeable batteries... But remember that it is only 90mAh capacity.
heh... ya, tell me about it - I have these little LiPo's about 1cm square x 1mm thick...
10mAh looking for a purpose in LiFe

A lathe my friend, is the proper tool for this job...
Yeth, thath twue... if you be a lather -
Lathe On!
Re: 268mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! - With FlexDrive!

Spyderz20x6 said:
Jayrob does it again!
When will you stop making all these incredible builds? :o

:D Hey I'm hooked on this hobby just like you are! Seems like even if I find a seemingly perfect build, I still want to try and modify something else...

Really, thanks to the awesome FlexDrive by Dr. Lava... For making many host/battery configurations a relatively easy build! ;)

DayOfShadows, thanks for posting that link to another charger. It doesn't say the exact charging specs, but it says something about an automatic circuit to adjust charge current... Nice!

danq, I hope it didn't sound like I was bragging that I have a lathe or something... It's just that for a mod like this, I really can't imagine trying to get it drilled out properly without one.

Man, that little lathe sat in my garage for years! Glad I kept it... now that I'm onto this cool hobby! :)
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Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

Well the charger works for me, might need to meter it buy it seems to charge them just fine, just dont touch the spacers, it hurts :-/ ;D ;D :D
Re: 268mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! - With FlexDrive!

You just have to make sure that the charger is not charging too fast for the capacity of what ever battery you are charging...

A rule of thumb for any Lithium battery is that it should normally be charged at no more than a 1C charge rate. That means, one times its capacity in mAh. Since this tiny battery is only 90mAh, it should be charge at a rate of no more than 90mA, less than .1A.
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Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

jayrob said:
Kenom, I can imagine what you mean! Way too small to try to drill it by hand... Needs to be precise. A lathe my friend, is the proper tool for this job... ;)

So, I could just ship these to you and you could slap them in your lathe and go to town on them then. It literally takes me upwards of an hour to drill out just one. and sometimes it turns out sideways. I have to take a strap wrench strap that is nylon webbing coated in rubber, wrap it around the head, close it and the rubber in the vice and drill a little until the rubber starts to melt from the heat generated in the aluminum, reseat it after it cools a bit and try again. Over and over.

THATS IT!!! I'M BUYING A LATHE!@$%%^ *grumble*
Re: 268mW 6X Key Chain Blu-ray! - With FlexDrive!

Wow Ken, I can't believe you even get it to work that way!

Hat's off to you...

I'm sure I could drill a few out for you if you just let me know exactly what you need.

If (when) you get a lathe, make sure to get one with at least 12 inches between the centers. Otherwise, there will not be much room after you put a good size drill bit in there...
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Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

there will not be much room after you put a good size drill bit in there...

To anyone who is thinking of getting a lathe and who has not used one before, when it comes to fitting a module, I would suggest that you use a drill to get close to your desired hole diameter and finish with one pass with a boring bar, it will make a nice smoothe tight fitting hole for the module (I usually go for an easy press fit).

Regards rog8811
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

WOW, that pretty much sums up what I want out of a keychain pointer, except I'm after about 50mw of red. That thing is simply outstanding!! :D
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

i just got a lathe and its damn nice, and a big thanks to jay for the help [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

rog8811 said:
To anyone who is thinking of getting a lathe and who has not used one before, when it comes to fitting a module, I would suggest that you use a drill to get close to your desired hole diameter and finish with one pass with a boring bar, it will make a nice smoothe tight fitting hole for the module (I usually go for an easy press fit).

Regards rog8811

Listen to rog8811, this man knows his stuff! I cannot believe your 7 color build linked in your signature Rog... Totally amazing!

jake21, your welcome! :)

Thanks Feuer 594!

50mW's of red would be perfect for this little beauty...

Looking at Dr. Lava's comparison graph of different red diodes, the best choice would be the Sony/Senkat (SLD1239JL-54) diode. Probably around 100mA's would do the trick!
Graph: http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1210649510

I would think the diode would have a very long life at that setting! 8-)
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

Jayrob - A beautifully done and inspiring build !!! Not the usual run of the mill bluray build. It's nice to see something tiny and extremely well made. This work is an inspiration to all of us. Unique choice of battery, I'd never even heard of a 10180. Your whole laser is smaller than the 3 CR2's that I usually use for a bluray !!!
Quite the tight fit on the electronics.
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

Can I put this in my tutorials thread?
Re: Key Chain Blu-ray... With FlexDrive!

billg519 said:
Jayrob - A beautifully done and inspiring build !!! Not the usual run of the mill bluray build. It's nice to see something tiny and extremely well made. This work is an inspiration to all of us. Unique choice of battery, I'd never even heard of a 10180. Your whole laser is smaller than the 3 CR2's that I usually use for a bluray !!!
Quite the tight fit on the electronics.

Thank you for those fine words of yours! :)

You know, this is a great forum, and we all learn from each other...

I didn't know of those batteries either, until I saw that Kenom used them in his 'Teenie Burner'. That's what got my curiosity going... wondering if a guy could actually get a driver to fit inside a tiny key chain host.

And of course, without the FlexDrive, not a chance for me to make it work... I can't solder those tiny components on the driver!

Anyway, all I did was add an idea to things that I learned from all of you! :) But thank you very much for that really nice compliment...

robjdixon, by all means! I guess it would qualify as a tutorial with the close up pictures...
