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FrozenGate by Avery

120mW 638nm for $10.99 on the ebay including other Powers. :eek:

^ Dont forget that was only the 80mW one.

The 120mW one i have did 190mW.:) I have it set to 160mW right now.:)

Iam more intrested in the WL shifting up that high. 20nm :eek: Pretty cool.:cool:

I never Noticed the modes you speak of. Only when i was getting close to the MAX i seen is flicker a little.
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The mode changes are much easier to see with the lens off.

Yeah, unless you want a ~670nm laser, they're pretty useless.
Hey can you try cooling it to like 20 F or colder and taking measurements of the WL? Also could it be possible to power it by using batteries and resistors since theydon't die from higher currents?
I just tested one of the '200mw' ones. It measured right at 660nm at 60mA. I don't have the LPM here, or have it pressed in a heatsink yet, so I didn't get too carried away. I'll do more extensive tests this weekend.. And see if these are as robust as the 80's, or if they just LED when you get carried away with the current.
Seems like these guys have pulled all their 638's off eeBAY. Mmmmm
What? Really..? Awww :( I wanted one with the cute little glass glued on.

Anyone have a dead one? :/
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Just received my "635nm 500mW"

I don't know whether this has been covered already here, but they have an elongated can that I've never seen on a 5.6mm diode before. This looks fairly similar (apart from the 5.6mm vs 3.8mm) to the elongated can style I found on my Osram blue 457nm diode.

Whatever this is, it is certainly not a RED that I've seen before.

Going to definitively test with a diffraction grating along side a 640nm HL63133DG and a typical 658.

At 480mA, this hits 300mW of raw optical output (no lens). Moderate warmth.

This is not only NOT 635nm, it's actually a bit higher than a LOC (so somewhere above ~658nm)

With a red coated acrylic lens, this hits ~180mW (might be able to get something better out of it with a better lens).
Here's the kicker, it gets 180mW at 450mA, and doesn't budge from that output as you move up to 500mA. It's clear that there is no more output power to be had from this diode by pushing it, so I won't. Going to contact the seller and/or dispute the charges.

This IS a new red diode, but it's roughly the same specs (as far as I'm concerned) as an LPC-826. It shares the same "current retreat safety" (just made that term up) characteristics, and roughly the same beam specs, wavelength, and power characteristics. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this was actually just an LPC-826 with a can.
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Thats interesting so far. Why are you testing without a lens just out of curiosity?
its weird that all of these sellers suddenly came out with several BS diodes. They must all have the same supplier and that must have been where the lying started.
Just receive the 200mw "638"and 600mw "650"...will do some testing tonight..
The 200mW's are 660. I haven't pushed one to see what they're capable of yet though but judging by most other tests.. It's nowhere near what they were 'advertised' at.

and I think the '600mW 660's' were tested to max around 300mW.
