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10 Laserpointer Forum Commandments.

Aug 9, 2013
I'm painting his room with a base coat of magnet paint and a top coat of glow paint so we can draw with his little uv pen and my 405 pen. PMAN showed me this paint that really would be perfect. I'm going to post pictures of the finished product.

But back to the thread. Sorry. Daddy ego kicked in!
Apr 2, 2009
I'm painting his room with a base coat of magnet paint and a top coat of glow paint so we can draw with his little uv pen and my 405 pen. PMAN showed me this paint that really would be perfect. I'm going to post pictures of the finished product.

But back to the thread. Sorry. Daddy ego kicked in!

Makers of GITD paint sure love their product and just buying the cheap kind is a waste of $$$.
I was wondering how that paint would work if a fine mist of it was sprayed on a skrim?

please do post some pics- I have a modded spyrograph that has a phr 405 laser in it (TY Yob!!)
and it looks very cool on my GITD Frisbee- it would be awesome to display it on a big wall and move it across slowly-- :na:


Nov 28, 2012
The paint I used doesn't get very good reviews mainly because people seem to think that it should glow a lot longer than it does. I sprayed 4 cans of the stuff on the 4.5' x 9' blackout cloth after putting down a flat white base coat (although I think that was completely unneccesary since it was already white). It's just $5 a can at Walmart in the spray paint section. Krylon "Glowz" in a 6oz. can. I understand why people may complain if they were using light to make it glow but we're talking 405nm.
What I use is one of my fully adjustable focus $4.50 pens (modded using my tutorial) so you can adjust how thick the beam is hitting it.
What I like about it is a 405nm makes a VERY bright glow on it and it lasts just long enough to make you want to keep redrawing on it. I personally wouldn't want it to last longer or I would get bored quickly. It would be simple just to buy the big thick paper at 22" x 28" and just attach them to eachother or tack them up.
I also bought a bunch of .30 cent thick white paper and sprayed it on that and the results were great.
I will have to try to take some pics but I think I am overstepping the bounds of this thread and I apologize.
Was going to throw up a few shots in my "Pman special" thread since I started the thread;)
Define skrim and maybe I have something close to it that I could try it on and let you know.
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Sep 25, 2013
Overstep my friend. It doesn't matter to me... I quite enjoyed reading that... it makes me want to get some GITD paint though. Off topic even more... I reckon it would be feasable to make a torch head to go on the end of a 405 pointer... like the wicked laser phosfor.but cheaper... hmmm.:thinking:

I thought about it a bit... if you took a small torch head and either painted the lens or made a little circle of paper or clear you cool paint both sides of the circle. therefore doubling the amount of paint that can be exposed...

Definately gonna have to get some paint now...
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Nov 28, 2012
I find it really hard sometimes to stay exactly focused on the intent of a thread because so much stuff with all of this is linked in some way....
I know hak has talked about some really cool stuff with multiple sheets spaced apart for a real 3d look using a projector. He likes to mess around a lot like me (I probably should have said that the opposite way since he is a bit older than I am).
I refuse to stop telling people about projectors and the chance to get in on one of his GB. It's no exageration to say owning one takes you to a new "plain" of lasering. Haven't seen a pic or video that can depict what the built in effects are like for the one I have. It may be only about 600W total but that is very bright especially in your house. Excited about getting the QS software soon.
Dang, there I go again. Way off topic.
Sep 25, 2013
I'm the same..I've been trying to figure out how to get this mirror motor I ripped put of a Samsung laser printer for about a week now.... iv got an arduino to do the clock signal but it still eludes me...:thinking: so i know exactly what you mean... my brain runs on 3 lines... I've got sooo many "nearly finished" projects its crazy.. and one thought usually provokes an idea or two.


Sep 2, 2013
the OP is funny.. BUT we all need to be serious about lasers beefore it becomes too laate and we will have the same laws here that they do in Oz.

Quickly wrote this a few weeks ago and never worked any more on it. feel free to add your own ideas--


Laser owners pledge

I hereby promise to use lasers ONLY in a safe manner.

I will never allow others to use my lasers in any dangerous ways.

I will keep them safely stored at all times.

I will take an active approach to laser safety whenever I see any lasers being used improperly.

I will not sell or give any laser to any person under 18 years old.

I will never sell or give any laser to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or ignorant of safe laser usage.

I will never use a laser when I can see aircraft, no matter how far away the are from me.

I will use proper eye-ware ALWAYS when it is needed..

I will never lase any living creature.(bugs /fire ants excluded lol)

I will never use a laser to do damage to any personal property of others or property belonging to any city, state or the federal government.

I will treat laser the same way firearms need to be treated.

Solid Commandments.
Apr 2, 2009
I agree with the OP--
a skrim is what PJ operators use for rear projection (you must 'mirror' the image if any text is used)and other uses- I can not afford a real skrim BUT for very little I have found 'window' sheers' they work fine and again at thrifts they can be dirt cheap- I managed to find one that was 12 X 7 foot- HUGE window those peeps must have had. i got a nice 3D efx using several hanging a foot or so apart. I simple white sheet will do also but not as much passes thru- still fine for rear projecting.
I use mine for 'Laser-okie' I can put the entire lyrics(copypasta) from a song into my Quick Show work space and put this up for the people to read-

personally I find 'karioke way too hokie' but when the entire audience is singing along AND for the first time ever they have ALL the lyrics correct it can be very fun. (Queen: Oh mamamia mamamia!!!)

bbl with pics

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Apr 2, 2009
Yeah for PETE!!!

1000 posts and no BS ones!! if you had more time than just a mth to have required one year you know an exception can be made for an exceptional member.

IMO the reverse needs to happen to those with a year and way too many of the 1000 posts pure 'post whoring' - It's Avery's call and no vote is taken- nor needs to be. CONGRATS PETE!! wonderful to have a new VET!!--


Nov 28, 2012
Thanks my friend.
I was granted early vet status by Avery today. Apreciate that honestly think I deserve it.
Apr 2, 2009
Thats evident by the responses from so many..

sending your 36 warning stickers for your collection-- let me know how many more you need!!

I will see if Pangolin will send me a bunch of their 'Powered By Pangolin' stickers they did not bring any this year to SELEM- they look nice on the tops of my PJs and the laptops I use for QS. Hope they let you go home today--if not then real soon-

-V/R Len
