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FrozenGate by Avery

1 watt 405 BDR-209DBK

May 4, 2009
I just made a new laser for myself in a new host it's KSH host which is a very nice stainless steel host, I should have taken more pictures but I wasn't planning on making a review.

It has a X-Boost S-mini set to 870mA out the laser diode is a BDR-209DBK which is a 3.8mm 405nm diode the output is a little over 1 watt with a G1 lens.

Part of the reason to make this was to use a X-Boost S-mini driver to show there is nothing wrong with this model of driver as some people have been having trouble with this driver,
I think maybe some people just need to read more before they solder on electronics and start making lasers :tinfoil:

I made a custom copper heat sink and focus adapter for it.

With a custom gold plated focus adapter

Thanks for lookin...
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Wow, I love that host! It looks like a bullet. Probably only slightly less powerful :P
Sweet build with a nice diode!!! I would rep man but must spread some more around. Somebody put some rep down in my place, a stable 1W must be recognized.
Hi Jeff,
Awesome host great work as usual buddy, Yes i read a few threads about the S Mini X Boost and folks having issues. Personally i never had any issues with the driver at all . it's well made and fool proof design is simplicity
. All my drivers are from Angelos, I never use ant other drivers. Some folks don't know and just do then they get into a jam and start pointing fingers without realizing the fault could be there own. These drivers with a correct test load being used the right way are flawless.
Glad you posted to clear the air in this issue. Sweet host my man. We need more !!!!
+ Rep Pal

Nice looking unit. Do the slits on the focus adapter go all the way through so you see some laser light through them?
I don't know why I had an issue with my driver or why someone else might be but I do know you dealt with it promptly and I appreciated it very much. Was shocked how fast I received a replacement. Actually ordered 2 more last week:)
Man, can't believe you are getting that diode to survive at 1W. I tried over and over and they just kept blowing. Congrats. Hopefully it will hold up.
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Thanks for your nice review. What's drawing my attention is your LPM. Can you give some info on that? :D
The LPM is an old one made by Kennom he has not been on here for years though so don't get your hopes up but I can tell you where you can get a really nice custom unit built, give Mitch a email here> info@visiblediodelasers.com and ask him about his touch screen LPM's he makes the main unit and if you already have a OPHIR module he will calibrate the unit to it, if you don't have a OPHIR module I can sell you one, I have models that can go to 150 watts.

Thanks for your nice review. What's drawing my attention is your LPM. Can you give some info on that? :D

Thanks all for the kind words, I'll be sure and take more pictures next time :yh:
Nice one, I saw laserden and thought for a moment it said laserpen, lol.

I am a fan of 405 myself and wish they would make a 64x Blu-ray burner before digital memory takes over.
That's a good looking S.S. build you've got Jeff, congrats on 1W! :beer:
I was kind of shocked when I saw that host, since I had just ordered one like that earlier this week. I'd never seen one quite like it before, now in the course of a few days, I've come across it twice!
I especially liked the custom gold focus adapter. I love these 1+ watt 405nm single mode lasers. Nice!
