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FrozenGate by Avery

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  1. S

    Announcing: "The Radiator"

    Those of you who know me know my love of abstracts.. My team and I have been working behind the scenes on a way to make live laser abstract performance sexy and fun again. Those are you who were at the 2018 ILDA conference in Montreal saw our first prototype and those of you who were with us...
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    New Laser Show: "Set the Controls"

    Here's a new show I made to the best house music to come out of the 1990's (Bassomatic). Made with LSX, Etherdream DAC, and a homemade projector. I hope you enjoy it!
  3. S

    new laser show "hot damn"

    here's a new abstract laser show.. really enjoying these ct2615's and big boy amps. LSX and etherdream, naturally.
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    new laser show "burning down the house"

    i made a new laser show! This is an abstract laser show to the Tom Jones cover of "Burning Down the House". I'm a huge Talking Heads fan, but I thought this cover might be a little more fun to program a laser show to. Made with LSX using an EtherDream Dac and ct6215 galvos.
  5. S

    Updated show "Pink Floyd, One of These Days"

    this is an updated version of my ILDA award winning laser show. i've held off doing anything by floyd for so long. i like floyd, but it's been done and redone so many times. oh well, i thought. i had a long plane trip to dubai with an uncountable number of hours to kill. this is a bit of a...
  6. S

    New abstract show "Take It" by Kongos

    I found this music during a late night music search on Youtube. My ears picked up at the driving beat and musical style changes and then... a singing gorilla. It had to be done. This was a fun one. Fast and dazzling with big expressive abstracts. I wanted to fill the screen with as much light...
  7. S

    New abstract show "Istanbul, not Constantinople"

    This was just a show for fun. I wanted something irreverent. Something to clap along with. Educated silliness and “They Might Be Giants” has always fit that bill. One of the best things to come out of the 90's and they always make me smile. Whirling Dervish dancers of red and yellow light with...
  8. S

    New abstract show "River"

    sorry i haven't been around very much lately.. stupid real life things. anyway, here's a new abstract show i made to "river" by bishop briggs. made with lsx, an etherdream dac, and my homemade little laser projector.
  9. S

    new laser show: shaman's dream

    i recently had a museum gallery exhibit of my laser petroglyph photos at the center of southwest studies museum in durango colorado. as part of the opening, i did a laser performance and programming this show as the opener.
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    swamidog on BBC World News

    I was contacted by BBC (British Broadcasting Company) World News and asked for an interview about my laser petroglyph artwork. On Friday, April 15, BBC Producer Joanne Whalley and her crew met with me at Painted Rock Petroglyph Site in Arizona and then traveled to my house to continue the...
  11. S

    Running for ILDA board

    I'm running for a seat on the ILDA board of directors. Please vote for me if you feel I am an asset to the laser community and industry in general. My name is Christopher. I'm an artist and systems engineer. I've been building laser display hardware and programming shows for a number of years...
  12. S

    photos from SELEM 2016

    i'll provide a real write up later, but here are my pics from the event: facebook (public gallery): https://www.facebook.com/swamidog/media_set?set=a.10207097634583715.1073741854.1366814043&type=3&pnref=story google (public gallery)...
  13. S

    the sound of gravity

    In February 2016, NASA announced the LIGO experiment detected gravitational waves caused by the merger of two black holes. The accompanying illustration showed an accretion disk with a helix of energy emitting from the center. Since the LIGO detector is basically a giant laser interferometer, I...
  14. S

    new laser show: africa happy

    Here's a little show I made. I was hoping to get it online for abstract thursday, but I'm in the process of a cross country move and time is really tight. I had a lot of problems with camera synch on this so it's a little flickery. I'll re-film and post again when I've unpacked and settled in...
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    swamidog makes the BBC

    I was contacted by BBC (British Broadcasting Company) World News and asked for an interview about my laser petroglyph artwork. On Friday, April 15, BBC Producer Joanne Whalley and her crew met with me at Painted Rock Petroglyph Site in Arizona USA and then traveled to my house to continue the...
  16. S

    New Laser Show: Pink Floyd One of These days

    i've held off doing anything by floyd for so long. i like floyd, but it's been done and redone so many times. oh well, i thought. i had a long plane trip to dubai with an uncountable number of hours to kill. this is a bit of a different style for me, but ii wanted to keep an old school analogue...
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    doing a little light bending

    more to follow... LSX abstract with my homemade laser projector. 1/5th second shutter speed.
  18. S

    ILDA 2015 Dubai a very brief report

    i've just gotten home from dubai (about 24 hours of air travel). i'm a bit shattered, but glad to be back in the states. oh, and this happened.
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    New laser show - Uptown Funk

    This was spun out of a discussion we had at SELEM. There were a couple of folks who had made shows to this song and dkumpula proposed we all do one and compare notes later. I don't really like pop music, but this song was not as awful as most so I agreed. I think I've managed to come up with...
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    New laser show - Zeppelin Immigrant Song

    here's a quick and dirty new laser show. i was setting some abstracts to zeppelin for the ufo project and liked the way it looked, so i decided to do a full show instead of just snippets. i wanted something that had kind of an old school feel to it, but with some modern tricks that couldn't be...
