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Updated show "Pink Floyd, One of These Days"

Aug 21, 2009
this is an updated version of my ILDA award winning laser show.

i've held off doing anything by floyd for so long. i like floyd, but it's been done and redone so many times. oh well, i thought. i had a long plane trip to dubai with an uncountable number of hours to kill.

this is a bit of a different style for me, but ii wanted to keep an old school analogue knob box feel to this. traditional lissajous that would be played live, in the dark, on a unlabeled console contrasted with improbable digitally synthesized abstracts with ridiculous layers of masking and modulation.

huge thanks to dz, bacs, laserium and all the others who are keeping abstracts alive and amazing.


I like it, thank you for sharing, seems like a long time since your last post. +rep.
I really love the work you do with your projector and software. I know eventually I'll have to either get one, or build one. It's too good not to be involved in it somehow. +rep
Cool, old school Pink Floyd, love it! :beer:
Thanks for sharing swami.
:gj: +rep!
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Interesting laser show----good post--thanks for sharing it

Some + reps to you for your effort. :beer:
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That was absolutely beautiful.

And I couldn't help but chuckle at "Knob box." How about a laser light show for the classic NSFW song...


