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New abstract show "Istanbul, not Constantinople"

Aug 21, 2009
This was just a show for fun. I wanted something irreverent. Something to clap along with. Educated silliness and “They Might Be Giants” has always fit that bill. One of the best things to come out of the 90's and they always make me smile. Whirling Dervish dancers of red and yellow light with blue accents and geometric forms. Swirls and splashes of form and motion. Just happy.

Made with LSX, and etherdream dac and my homemade laser projector.



It amazes me how lasers can do this sort of stuff. So pretty and such a fun song really
Been to Constantinople many times, interesting mix of ancient and new, poor and rich.
Another great success, swamidog. I loved the excellent laser graphics to such a silly musical number. Thanks again!
Did you ever make a thread on the projector you built, swamidog? If so, I'd love to have the link. I could see myself building one of these, but it is out of my area of expertise.
