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FrozenGate by Avery

new laser show "burning down the house"

Aug 21, 2009
i made a new laser show!

This is an abstract laser show to the Tom Jones cover of "Burning Down the House". I'm a huge Talking Heads fan, but I thought this cover might be a little more fun to program a laser show to.

Made with LSX using an EtherDream Dac and ct6215 galvos.


I always love your laser shows, swamidog. Not a Tom Jones fan, but remember him from the 1960s. + Rep.
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I always love your laser shows, swamidog. Not a Tom Jones fan, but remember him from the 1960s.

thanks paul!

i'm a talking heads purist and don't generally like tom jones very much, but i thought this cover was a little more musically interesting and would be more fun to program to.
Super show as always, Swami, thanks for sharing these with us, it's nice to see some of the other aspects of the laser hobby! :yh:
:gj: and +rep!
Nice, the 3D effect near the end was really cool, looked like black rubber balls bouncing off my screen.
that purple and yellow combination every once in a while is awesome! great stuff!
thanks for the kind words, everyone. it was a really fun show to do and i had a lot of fun learning new tricks with LSX. i've got a couple more shows on the way so keep your eyes out. ;)
