Garoq, I just received your laser body for the 1.4 445nm kit. I must admit the quality is high. I had some eagles available and I bought some cheapo glasses for others in the area to use if they need to come in.
I got these OD 7+ goggles from a place in the St. Paul, MN with free shipping in two days to Duluth, MN fedex
Laservision Style F12.P5E01.5000 | Laservision
The body looks great! I wish I could get one around 300 to 500 mw - or get the body and bod an adjustable driver for the body. The very high power of the kit almost scares me, even with reflection blinds in a closed room, with a beam drop. THAT LASER is INSANE!~ Thank You ~ I donated to the forum partly because you were a part of it. Now I think I will be here a long time.

Thank you for your excellent service and additions to the forum.