hey friend got a question do you fix lasers cuz im trying to find someone to fix my red wicked laser the diode broke off the board i can show you pics of it first let me know
this is what it is saying
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
Foreign International Dispatch, March 21, 2011, 1:03 pm, BEIJING, CHINA PEOPLES REP Foreign Acceptance, March 18, 2011, 2:53 am, PORTEE
hey friend long time no talk just got a quick question do you know how long it takes dragon lasers to ship to usa im in Michigan and it was shipped on the 18th of march if you know how much longer ill be waitng please let me know
I'm new to this forum and I was interested in possibly getting one of the lasers you have for sale. I originally saw the Arctics and I was interested in those but it seems after finding this forum there are a lot of better alternatives for a better price. I may even be interested in the one you have that's been modified. Do I need to get a separate charger for that? I'm not too familiar with how these things work. I'm in So. Cal too so if it works out I can meet you in person and give you cash. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Is it reasonably straight in relation to the body? I think its not straight
Is it reasonably focused? focused ?? I dont use a magnifyer
Does the spot look similar to one of these below? yes, but more rectangle not round eges
Does it fairly easily burn dark objects (like a CD case)? yes , 30cm -- 3sec