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FrozenGate by Avery

New Pocket Sized 200mW 532nm Laser Mni Review

Sep 20, 2008
Hey guys....

I received my 200mW Dilda (thats what the seller calls it) yesterday...
It was purchased on LEC the other forum's Store...
I've done some preliminary tests with different batteries...
Here are the results... Don't forget... by the time I got to the final tests
the Laser was getting warm so the results were a little lower..

===================== 3.0V Panasonic.......... 3.0V Lithium........3.6Volt Lithium
=====================Non-Rechargable.........Rechargeable........Rechargeab le

Max/Stabilized..................142mW / 130mW........175mW / 140mW.....184mW / 160mW

Stabilized After IR Filter......(132mW) 96mW.........(141mW) 101mW.....(179mW) 136mW

I then let the laser cool done for a couple of hours... and hooked up our LaserBee I
with Data Logging... and here is a copy of the recorded Graph using 600mA 3.6Volt
rechargeable Lithiums for 3min 17 seconds...


After the 217 second graphing test run.. the laser was just slightly warm and I could
also feel some warmth from the battery compartment... It averaged 176.39mW on that

The divergence was measure over a distance of 46 feet.. using Laser Safety Goggles
to get a good measurement of the beam diameters..

Diameter at the aperture....... 1mm
Diameter at 46 feet.............. 16mm

Divergence........................ 1.0698386 mRad

Overall Size
Diameter widest................... 0.810"
Diameter narrowest.............. 0.650"
Length............................... 3.950"
Weight(no Bat).................... 1.6 oz (40g)

I think this is a great.. quite small Pocket Laser with exceptional power for the price ($245.00 + shipping).... IMO

You will need to check it out over there...

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I wonder if it's the same model as mine, orange tailcap, no larnyard, blue battery, waterproof and battery is in reverse way with nice o ring and easy screwing
Wow! that really performed well. I'm impressed. Thanks Lasersbee. Does it actually look like the DX red dilda?
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^ yeah, thats what i'm confused about, does it look like the green focusable from DX?
Nice. That's small. It doesn't actually look like the dilda either. Did you buy that on LEC because I couldn't find it in the store but I did see you post your graph in the LEC thread.
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Just PM dave and ask.

I wonder what the module lengths are. I don't really like the host so maybe I could just take the module/driver out and put it in a jayrob host meant for an O-like module. It's definitley the best performing 200mW green that I've seen that is not an RPL style, as well as the cheapest.

Lasersbee: Do you think the seller sold you a laser that he made sure performed well before he sold it to you? There have been no other LPM Testings of this Laser so I just want to be sure it wasn't a randomnly overspec laser. Did you tell him you were going to make a review?
Lasersbee: Do you think the seller sold you a laser that he made sure performed well before he sold it to you? There have been no other LPM Testings of this Laser so I just want to be sure it wasn't a randomnly overspec laser. Did you tell him you were going to make a review?

No... It was actually a Laser that was purchased by another
Member on LEC and was returned...
(I have no idea why he sent this great little Laser back).
He must be kicking himself after seeing my review on it...
The seller... at this time does not have an LPM to test outputs.
He is a reseller.., and a Distributor for O-Like... if my memory
serves me...

You will need to contact the LEC Admin... IIRC he is waiting for
an order of these to be delivered..

Great information especially on the different CR2 batteries Jerry!

I can't seem to find a link to where I can buy the 3.6/4.2 ones...

Do you have a link by chance?
Thanks man! Jerry also just showed me some e-bay links in a different thread...

I should have known to check e-bay!
I must say that's a nice looking host.

Lasersbee, in your opinion, is this laser accurately labeled? From looking at the graph, it seems that rating it to 175mW might be accurate.
