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FrozenGate by Avery

In Search Of Someone To Build a Handheld Green Laser


May 25, 2017
Hello everyone,

I have owned 2 lasers for a while now and always have wanted something fairly stronger than my 150mW green one. Unfortunately I have no experience when it comes to building these things and what exactly is involved, nor do I want to risk ruining one attempting to do so. If you are at all interested I am looking for someone with prior knowledge of custom building lasers to make a hand held green one with the following specs:

Housing: Not Picky Whatever Works Best
Wavelength: 520nm
Power: 1W (would be OK with a bit lower)
Beam Divergence: somewhere close to 2.5mRad
Power Consumption: What works best
Battery: 18650 Li-Ion (similar to the ones made by ultra fire)
Battery Life : Minimum 10 minutes
Modes: At least Low Power/High Power
Switch: Push Button With Constant on/off
Duty Cycle: Continuous (if possible)

These are all the specs I currently know that I would like. None of these are definite and I am fine with compromises as long as it can have a continuous duty cycle powered by a 18650 battery with a decent battery life. I have no knowledge of every part involved, so if I missed something or listed something that seemed odd please let me know (I am new to his whole procedure and forum so excuse me for any mistakes). Also I would entertain the option of trading my current 150mW one to cut the cost a bit. If you are up for the job message me and I will be more than happy to discuss terms and other specifications.
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Re: In Search Of Someone To Build a Green Laser

If you put your location in, it would be easier to point you somewhere? There's a few people around but they will want to know at least what country your in. :thinking:
Re: In Search Of Someone To Build a Green Laser

Thanks for that, completely forgot about stating my location. Just fixed that.
Hopefully someone will chime in. You live in the States so it shouldn't be to hard. Best wishes. :)

Edit; forgot to welcome you, ooops, welcome. :)
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Yep. There are many great laser builders on here and Grainde is one of them. :beer:
You would sell 1 of my freshly made ! but it would cost more for the international shipping and the pointer to the end ! are sincere !
Hello everyone,

I have owned 2 lasers for a while now and always have wanted something fairly stronger than my 150mW green one. Unfortunately I have no experience when it comes to building these things and what exactly is involved, nor do I want to risk ruining one attempting to do so. If you are at all interested I am looking for someone with prior knowledge of custom building lasers to make a hand held green one with the following specs:

Housing: Not Picky Whatever Works Best
Wavelength: 532nm
Power: 1W (would be OK with a bit lower)

That's a lot of power for a 532nm handheld. May have trouble sourcing a module that powerful.

Beam Divergence: somewhere close to 2.5mRad
Power Consumption: 3.7V @ 1A

Also a bit limiting, even with an efficient switching driver you'd need to provide more power than that to get 1W at 532nm out.

Battery: 18650 Li-Ion (similar to the ones made by ultra fire)
Battery Life : Minimum 10 minutes
Modes: At least Low Power/High Power
Switch: Push Button With Constant on/off
Duty Cycle: Continuous

A continuous duty cycle in a handheld is difficult to achieve, even commercially, for a 1W 532nm handheld. You really start needing active cooling if you want that sort of duty cycle, at that power with DPSS.

These are all the specs I currently know that I would like. None of these are definite and I am fine with compromises as long as it can have a continuous duty cycle powered by a 18650 battery with a decent battery life. I have no knowledge of every part involved, so if I missed something or listed something that seemed odd please let me know (I am new to his whole procedure and forum so excuse me for any mistakes). Also I would entertain the option of trading my current 150mW one to cut the cost a bit. If you are up for the job message me and I will be more than happy to discuss terms and other specifications.

See my answers in red - what you want to do is difficult/expensive to achieve with a 532nm DPSS (Diode Pumped Solid State) laser - they are picky about temperature for a start.

How much are you looking to spend on this?

Have you considered going to 520nm? 520nm diodes are much easier to work with than 532nm DPSS modules, they have far less issues with temperature changes and are simpler all round.
Welcome to LPF!

Did you consider JetLasers? They are known to be overspec, with their 800 mW you might find what you want.

PL-E Pro 532nm Green Lasers

Edit: For longer duty cycle you just need to get some external cooling on your own likely, use it in colder environment or something. You can also consider lab module with accu pack - Gray from JL offered me this as custom option for long duty cycle when I was going for my 473 nm.
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That's kinda tough. A Jetlasers PL-E pro will do up to 1W, but even those don't have an unlimited duty cycle. Something with a direct green diode like the Sanwu 1W 520nm spiker series would be a better option.
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Seems he is looking for something like the Laserglow Hercules 800 mw 532 nm laser, not 1 watt, but continuous rating.
Seems he is looking for something like the Laserglow Hercules 800 mw 532 nm laser, not 1 watt, but continuous rating.

Yep, that's what I had in mind when typing my reply. They've got active cooling (TEC/air), so they can handle the 100% duty cycle and have good stability doing it.
First, to address the power supply and wavelength. After looking into it further I can see how 520nm is easier all around and although 1 18650 battery could technically be done 2 seems it is easier. Like I said at the start I am a bit inexperienced on the difficulty of making what I'm asking and therefore I am going to adjust some things with my original post as I have no problem using an extra battery to power it and instead having 520nm. Right now I am talking with grainde about possible builds but I am open to hearing what other people can build too.
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