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FrozenGate by Avery

New profile posts

I miss the old plus (& neg) rep system-- you would have a high + rep.
Still not knowing where you live.. I am south of Houston. keep up the fine help!!

aka Len in Tx.
Stop necro posting please thankyou
whats necro posting?
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
It's when you revive a thread that is at least one year old without adding additional information
Ah, okay, sorry about that.
You need to stop the necro posting with meaningless comments. You're spamming the forum with bs
Me getting ready for the next wave of spam here on LPF:

Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Sorry today I needed a break. Doing it every day is soooooo tiring.
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
I'm more like this when there is spam

Ears and Eggs
Ears and Eggs
After a few more decades of busting spam, I'm sure my expression will be less like the cool and emotionless Aria knocking her foes out of the sky, and more like the insane grin of Tanya The Evil: *insert mad scientist laugh*

