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FrozenGate by Avery

New profile posts

YAY!!!! I GOT MY FRIEND BACK!!! YAY, YAY!!! Worst fight with a friend I ever had. So glad my Homie and I talking again. Y'all just don't know how much it sucks to know that one person in the world that just gets ya, is mad at you. I was starting to think I lost my favoritest person in the whole world, an by some stroke of luck, WE FIX IT!! YAY YAY YAY!!

My rainbow from 3 years ago!
Interests: Electronics, High Voltage, Lasers, Physics
Interesting facts about me: I am an electronics engineer primarily involved in power supplies, building Tesla Transformers, laser design, and exploring the principles of light sources.
My biggest builds: a QCW-DRSSTC, 4W 450nm. Laser + 2S protection and charging, a 5,5kW HV power supply 15kV in SRL topology and many more.
How you holding up?
Sorry for the late reply, life has been very busy

I'm doing alright. Working on a lot of stuff and feel like I'm progressing in getting my life organized
Tried and failed to melt snow with a laser today for the lolz. If only snow were black and didn't diffuse or reflect any light... Wait, let me go get some from the side of the road in NYC and try again
Unfortunately, ever since my family all got Covid a month and a half ago, my father had trouble recovering and was in the hospital the entire time

I found out today that he is now dead
Thank you
Sorry for your loss. Take time for your family and don't worry about LPF unless you are after some mental distraction.
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Reactions: Snecho
Thanks Curtis. Although, I have already been away from LPF ever since Covid hit. I hope to come back some day when things are better
Sorry to have to delete your sale thread but you do not have the minimum of 20 posts to sell. This information is in the stickies at the beginning of the bst section.
Hello Mr. Multimode

I'm interested in this project.
I have due and also have some DAC to operate Analog Galvo at high speed
Can you let me know how you can help me?

Let me know if there is some cost..?

Best Regards
