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Hello Mr. Multimode

I'm interested in this project.
I have due and also have some DAC to operate Analog Galvo at high speed
Can you let me know how you can help me?

Let me know if there is some cost..?

Best Regards
hello everyone, I have a question,, I'm relatively new to laser pointers....but I bought one through an acquaintance and likes it a toy,,I have a laser pointer model Gatling 21 cm this appears to have a plastic lens and problem is that at a long distance I don't have a dot but more of a rectangle ,,now I've read a few things on this forum ,,,but somewhat confusing,, So my question is ; which lens do you recommend for
That is using a multimode diode so it will never have perfect beam
quality so it will never be a perfect circle/dot without any special beam correction optics. Also please get safety glasses from a reputable
source while using the laser, one mistake can permanently blind you
ok thanks for the advice,, but im getting back to my question: because it comes with a plastic lens as standard...... isn't it always an improvement with a glass lens ?? a G2 or G7 (I'm told)
Unown (WILD)
Unown (WILD)
Yes glass is always an improvement. That's obvious
I shot my smoke machine in the yard 3 times at 3 am, playing with my lasers. It puffed so good, I make my own juice, it looked like a fire rolling down the street on the other side of the house. I live on a main street, lmfao. WAS SO FREAKING SWEET!!! TURNS OUT THERE WERE PEOPLE UP, AN THEY SEEN IT!!!
When you are playing with night vision, look down so you don't trip and break your IR laser. Just saying, :(
