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  • How you holding up?
    Sorry for the late reply, life has been very busy

    I'm doing alright. Working on a lot of stuff and feel like I'm progressing in getting my life organized
    Unfortunately, ever since my family all got Covid a month and a half ago, my father had trouble recovering and was in the hospital the entire time

    I found out today that he is now dead
    Thank you
    Sorry for your loss. Take time for your family and don't worry about LPF unless you are after some mental distraction.
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    Reactions: Snecho
    Thanks Curtis. Although, I have already been away from LPF ever since Covid hit. I hope to come back some day when things are better
    I walked in the front door today and found my dad at bottom of the stairs with blood everywhere, and barely conscious. He is stable and in a bed at the hospital now getting treated for his injuries. We are awaiting the results from a CAT scan and MRI to check for brain bleeds..etc

    Please keep him in your prayers
    After a family briefing, brain bleed was minor, but turns out he has a fractured skull, fractured shoulder plate, broken ribs, and a major concussion. The first few days he couldn't remember me, my brother, my mother, or anything else really. The doctors said this was normal and he is showing good progress
    I did visit him Wednesday and he started to remember everyone and walk by himself, so he is doing better. Going to be hospitalized much longer than I thought though, and probably rehab
    My dad came home last week btw. He's doing good. Just got some remembering to do
    Went shooting yesterday.

    Shot an AR-15 with 5.56 cartridges. 12-Gauge shotgun with slug rounds. And an HK USP .45 (That things got some kick!)
    never mind ecap hipped me..

    Do you recall a recent post-they sais they had no clue on lasers and was given a big pile of parts,, had them in the garage-would tke pics later and post them??
    wrote that he wondered about putting the parts on a 'huge ally plate' I am betting it was an, or top to an 'optical work bench space( 1/4inch holes threaded and 1 inch part.)..
    see pt 2
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    2) these are super expensive I have a small piece must weight 4 or 5 pounds--about 3/4 inch thick I had to talk the seller down from $30 --eneded costing me IIRC about 7 $--it was in the closing minutes of the BS&T stuff on last day-- best time for best deals there (SELEM)
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    Reactions: Snecho
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