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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

You guessed it, another NBC nightly news laser report

The fools seem to mainly do it at take off or landing because if you think about it. A plane at 30,000 feet above you, there are no windows or windshields to hit as the beam is pretty much hitting the plane at a perpendicular angle. Therefore it is hitting the bottom side of the aircraft. Still it is a bad thing to do and I am not saying that it is okay to do. Just cannot understand what would posses a person to point a laser at a plane as it is taking off or landing. So dumb :(
I think we have two threads going on the same report and I know we have threads on this topic- If this were not so VERY important IMO I would say lets edit but its good to have lots reading and posting
------however I for one, do not think even .01% of our active members would engage in this sort if idiotsy=

so we need to divert some of this energy towrds something that will really help.

read the other thread- & I will go now to read this(the rest) one-


Ok I see this one was the first (recently) I will link both of them in the other (bigger) thread in the WELCOME section where MOST newcomers go first ( I wish that were so) anyway - its the new members who are more likely to at least let me say 'know' someone who would find this to be a kewl prank- I don't need that- I am already branded as the 'laser asshole' by some who know me thru parties etc and cant understand why I wont hand over my 1+W JETLASERS laser for them to 'check out'-
I often will remove the key or battery so then can 'check it out' in safety --

I dont care what they think of me- i would much rather that they take away my message-

these are NOT toys-

its not a prank to do most ANYTHING with these in public ( didja know that public 'display' is not really legit?? the FDA treats them the same as a laser projector - permits variances- etc are required- the power dictates the Class-- most of you own Class IV lasers- do you hold a variance to build or trade in these??

.. OK I'm still pretty pissed off about last nites 'news' we only got beat out by the NEW Ms Jenner-

I think we need to go beyond this forum if its to really do any good..
way beyond--

haks dos centavos solo
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If this is going to continue to be a problem, I wonder if building a 520 and 532nm filters into their windshields would be possible. With the high divergence of most 520nm laser pointers of much power, maybe only a filter for 532nm would be needed.
Check out this article about drones interfering with the fire crew.
A shotty loaded with number fours should do the trick!! Maybe they can make a frequency jammer or over ride the drones to move them out of the area. If they use a jammer, the first couple of times just implement it for about 5 or 6 seconds so the operators of the drones get the hint that if they don't get out of there the next jamming will be long enough to crash it. Also most drones if they are balanced well actually "float" down as the props act sort of like parachutes.
Bottom line, the firefighters might have been able to save some of the cars, trucks, boats and HOMES but were forced out of the air and that is just wrong :(
Now they are boots on the ground with a much bigger fire and could get hurt or killed. Please watch the video ... makes me sick.
Drones Delayed North Fire Response: Officials | NBC Southern California
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CBS this morning is going to show another laser report this morning. They just mentioned it at the start of the show:(
4 reports Newark NJ
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Today show just showed a story in a Sim and threw in a laser hit from outside of it. Not realistic at all but it keeps the issue alive.
