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FrozenGate by Avery

XPL discussion - the mystery company

Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

It's just an out of focus DPSS spot, my phone camera won't show much as the laser is too bright

Fair enough!

Either the expansion lens or the focusing lens has shifted I'd guess - did you drop it or bump it? Guess one of the lenses could have shifted without being bumped - bad glue/not enough glue assuming that's how they are held in. Hard to tell what exactly is wrong with it without opening it up - not sure how easy these would be to disassemble enough to figure that out.

Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

Trying to upload pics but it's not working. The dot is just wide. I tried turning the end of the aperture with pliers but that didn't work. There's gotta be some way to get this thing back in focus. I never dropped it or anything. I was carrying it in my pocket, didn't hit anything, and when i took it out it was all out of focus :(
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

Trying to upload pics but it's not working. The dot is just wide. I tried turning the end of the aperture with pliers but that didn't work. There's gotta be some way to get this thing back in focus. I never dropped it or anything. I was carrying it in my pocket, didn't hit anything, and when i took it out it was all out of focus :(

If you're willing to send it back to XPL they'll repair it. For issues like this they have a 1 year warranty (and for broken diode they have a 3 month warranty.) :)
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I don't have any of those and this site isn't letting me upload. Is there any way i can give you the info needed without pics, my camera really doesn't show anything even with the goggles in front
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I've read through the thread on this great looking deal, but nowhere can I find a mention of how they provide photo's showing the power output measurement with the pointer so close to the sensor. If you put the laser pointer that close, there can be heat build up in the gap which makes the reading higher, substantially higher, than it would be if you place the laser 12 inches away.
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I have already contacted XPL so maybe that's what I will do, there's gotta be some way to fix this but the diode is fine it's just the focus
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I've read through the thread on this great looking deal, but nowhere can I find a mention of how they provide photo's showing the power output measurement with the pointer so close to the sensor. If you put the laser pointer that close, there can be heat build up in the gap which makes the reading higher, substantially higher, than it would be if you place the laser 12 inches away.

If you'd like I can ask them for power readings from 1 foot away. Also, the actual module is quite far back in the laser, so excess heat should not cause that much interference.
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I just measured my XPL 532 at 12 inches and right in front of the sensor. The difference in power was only 10mW. :beer:
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

They really are great lasers, that's for sure. I just wish there was a way to focus this thing. I don't really understand fixed focus because the whole thing is junked if something gets misaligned
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I've seen large differences with my 800mw JL when close to the sensor, that sure isn't much difference you are finding. I don't know why, perhaps a short burst when close doesn't give heat time to build up, but you were 12 inches away. Wish I were home where I had a LPM and could do more tests of having the pointer close to the sensor. Much may depend upon the sensor itself, if you are using a LaserBee or something with a similar sensor, that sensor is so open to the air heat probably wouldn't build up compared to some of my other LPM's which have a recessed hole to shoot into with the pointer one inch away, partially blocking airflow. I've seen comments from others here when measuring laser pointers having them close to the sensor can increase the power reading by 10% or more. For the 500mw unit ten percent isn't much difference, but for the 2W unit, that adds up a bit. The heating effect when too close to the sensor is probably far more pronounced with the higher power laser pointers. Although I might be too picky, you can't see 10 percent difference anyway.

I'm wondering if their mRad spec is for full, or half angle, they don't indicate. if 2 mRad for full angle that's great, for half angle, too wide. It is probably full angle, I haven't seen 532nm DPSS lasers with 2 mRad half angle (which would be 4 mRad full angle). Still, a screaming deal if they can put out that much power for their 500mw or 1000mw unit, my only concern is that the unit can be focused and that the focus mechanism is stable, won't wear over time to become sloppy. I like to play with the focus too much so using tape in the threaded lens coupling isn't as desirable a method to stop lens wobble for me. Teflon tape does secure most lens threading well enough, but don't try to keep refocusing it too often or you will be replacing the tape. My JL/Jet Lasers focus is a precision machined mechanism which will probably last longer than anything else in the laser, but that kind of focus increases the price more than just a threaded lens holder.
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Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

We can't expect everything for nothng/very little.

I want to see how the product evolves ---what the new host is about.

Good tight focus mechanism is very important as are real world LPM test results, beam quality, power source, and duty cycle.
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Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I just wanted to update everyone about the new hosts without creating a new thread. I talked to the owner about the release of his more powerful 532 nm handheld lasers (500-2000mW) with the improved host, which some of us hoped would resolve mode-hopping issues that Sta had noticed with his 500mW 532nm laser. The owner told us last month that the new hosts would be ready by the end of August. Here is his response from several hours ago:

For G20 meeting, government stopped our supplier of the shell. Until 20th, they will back to work. So we will get the new host until the end of the next month.

It looks like the new hosts are another month away from being ready.
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I just wanted to update everyone about the new hosts without creating a new thread. I talked to the owner about the release of his more powerful 532 nm handheld lasers (500-2000mW) with the improved host, which some of us hoped would resolve mode-hopping issues that Sta had noticed with his 500mW 532nm laser. The owner told us last month that the new hosts would be ready by the end of August. Here is his response from several hours ago:

For G20 meeting, government stopped our supplier of the shell. Until 20th, they will back to work. So we will get the new host until the end of the next month.

It looks like the new hosts are another month away from being ready.

You can't blame them, though. The Chinese government is trying to reduce pollution for the G20, and then start right back up again afterwards.
Re: XPL discussion - "the miracle company"

I purchased my 1W back in the end of June and the owner was promising me another (2) weeks to wait for the new host. It seemed that every week upon asking i would get a different delay excuse and I ended up breaking down and purchasing the 1W 532 in the "old" style host. It seems that XPL is changing to a new host, and for good reason as the problems with their old one seem to be becoming more and more prevalent.

There's multiple issues that XPL has with their 1/1.5/2W 532s. Mode hoping definitely being one of them. I cannot speak for the 500mw/700mw host like the one Sta has. But I was told by XPL that the duty cycle on the 1W that I purchased was 60 seconds on, and IIRC 60 seconds off. The host gets hot at around 20-25 seconds and at that point it's almost an automatic response to turn it off (since it's getting hot, not warm, hot). I only have the 1W and the 1.5/2W versions use the same host so I can imagine that the duty cycles would be horrid.

The other issue I have with the >1W version host is that there is no support for the driver assembly besides the pump diodes pins. In turn causing the assembly to move with each push of the button. When the batteries are in, the added pressure causes the driver to stay out of center and the switch sticks on. XPL says it was a shipping problem, which still doesn't answer why the driver is able to move from the get, which in turn is causing the switch to stick. XPL says all of there drivers are that way but they haven't had any issues, albeit I also don't see many sales of their 532 lasers above 1W so I can't really say if it's a one time issue or not.
