I just love the LPF community, I ordered driver from DTR and a diode from ABarnette on Friday and here they are in my mailbox Monday. I am within a 1000 miles of them both, so that helps but still, Thanks. :gj:
This diode is making some horsepower.
I regret that out of the thousands of dollars worth of electronic test equipment I own I still don't have a proper LPM, I get hard headed but now I need to know.
I only gently ran up to 4.1 amps and it was only taking 4.4 volts, I will go to 5.0 volts in a minute and I think I need to go with a 5.0 amp driver, the 4.5 I just got may not feed this hungry Gballer enough.
The beam spot is at 10 feet but the line is sharper than the burn, the line looks good actually and I will get more pics, these have some real potential and for the price WOW. I may have to Cyl pair one of these, I bet it would make a mean short-medium range leaf igniter.
I will mount it up and work with some bigger 1-2 inch wide low power lenses, I make a holder to slide on the 1.25 inch bar on the host.
The power is there, its a question of how best to use it, I would like to keep the Gball on.
I look forward to seeing LPM results because these are not weak.
I just use a 1/4 inch socket and a couple flat pieces of aluminum to press the diode in my vise, I don't use the press tool...I'm stubborn

but because the Gball does not protrude the standard press tool may work?
WOW this Gball monster has not dimmed back as I have seen others do when overdriven, at 5.5a it was still getting brighter and burning a hole in my wall and it was still not at 5 volts, this is a brand new 10 amp supply and I can put a 7875 on it and run it past 5 volts and see it start to fold back, this diode has not folded back or even hit 5 volts at 5.5 amps.
NOW I am kicking myself for not having a LPM, but I need one to read 8 watts by the looks of this diode, if it's not a freak these are tough.
I am looking at the 5.5 amp beam and I don't hold the camera the same each time, I am pulled back further on the 5.5 amp pic, but the reflection on the power supply looks brighter, but the beam not as much, we really need a real LPM test, but shouldn't this diode take 5 volts worth?
I theoretically should be able to give it 5 volts and as much current as it will take at 5V Right? NO? Yes?