Yes! See that's a good suggestion. If he wants blue, a violet might be close enough, and affordable within his biggest constraint (price).
I'm sorry for the rant - I think it's just a pet peeve of mine when I see people giving advice that doesn't actually address what the OP is asking about, and instead just reflects what we think someone's priority should be, based on how we view the hobby. I can't count the number of times I've seen someone (usually fairly new) ask a question like "How does the 100mW green 532nm laser from Rayfoss compare to this other one from O-Like? Is either one particularly better or worse?", only to be met with responses like "A better alternative would be to look at CNI" Really? How many of us actually buy all of our lasers from CNI versus other sources? Stuff like that is just frustrating IMO.
I'm always irked by responses that patronize new users. Sure, we get a lot of stupid inquiries from "newbs". But our most interesting new users all had a first post too, and if we patronize everyone with basic-level inquiries, instead of treating their questions with honest consideration, we'll miss out on future quality users in the process. Some of the coolest innovation I've seen on this board recently has come from new(er) users - whether that's driver design, creative host ideas, etc.