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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB Core from wickedlasers

Feb 13, 2012
Wanting to buy my first laser, if you have a Core Series laser from Wickedlasers, please pm me. I don't want to pay more than $20 including shipping.

Considering the core is $30 from WL, then maybe another $10 ontop of that for shipping, and also considering they don't depreciate much and how good of a laser they are, you'll probably be better off buying one right from WL.
Wanting to buy my first laser, if you have a Core Series laser from Wickedlasers, please pm me. I don't want to pay more than $20 including shipping.


Not happening.

At least not in this reality. In some other reality where the core isn't the single laser WL does right, it might be possible though :tinfoil:
Considering the core is $30 from WL, then maybe another $10 ontop of that for shipping, and also considering they don't depreciate much and how good of a laser they are, you'll probably be better off buying one right from WL.

WL asks $20+ to ship anything!!! ... & I have a Core, (or two), but I am not tempted to sell one for anything under $35 shipped Sorry!

Is the Core really that good? What's so good about it?
The Core is a fine <5 mW unit, robust, good looking, no pen clip, and is very popular... I actually like it as well, for modding to other color lasers as a "cool host" -Glenn
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Yes, it's a beautiful sleek host, great feel, weight, VERY stable and great divergence to boot. It's just a great little 5mW pointer. In fact it's the only pointer I own :)
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Well... it's a WL laser and it doesn't suck. That's saying something all by itself.

Personally I'd still go with LG.
