No necessarily, Because they make a lot of $$ off us doing this. They just wanted to make sure they can't be connected with what we are doing with them and any lawsuit coming from our use.
It won't matter one whit what they want to do if the FDA demands that they make modifications to prevent the extraction of the diodes in order to sell the units within the USA. Of course this might not have any effect outside of the USA, but honestly, do you think they would make two separate types of units afterwards? The USA isn't the only country cracking down on these things. So they will certainly see that writing on the wall.
Gun manufacturers have been put out of business in the USA because the guns they made were too easily converted to full automatic with nothing more than 10 minutes with a Dremel tool. If these laser units can produce LOTS of high powered hand held laser devices, you can BET this is being looked at closely. Never underestimate the desire of government to keep fun stuff out of the hands of the public. "For your own good", of course.