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Windows 7 os

Apr 1, 2008
Does anyone have a FLASH DRVE with the complete WINDOWS 7 OS on it that I can use to install into my wifes PC ??? Please answer me via PM. Very much appreciated if anyone could be of service for this. Thanks............rob
PS, Flash drive WILL be returned

No its not, I have and so do several other members have OEM copys for machine that we build and install windows on.
There is a difference.
How ever using a torrent would be.
An Ubuntu 10.04 would be legal to download by torrent. :whistle:

(What you get is a cd image, burn it, boot from cd and press install to harddisk. Once you have the cd image it is also quite simple to make a boot-able memory stick.)
I love linux & would recommend it to anyone with the slightest interest but not everyone wants to bother learning something new when they are use to windows.
Plus its for his wife, even less chance she would be interested in something different.

Sorry I can't be of help Rob.
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I could whip you one up, i use a Windows 7 Home Premium istaller on usb, used it hundreds of times, btw its VERY easy to do yourself (providing you have a machine with vista/7 allready on it, id be more than happy to either talk you through it or remote desktop via teamviewer or MSN , takes about 5 mins to do, all you need is a 4/8gb flash drive , windows cd or disk image with daemon tools installed, and me :)
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Does anyone have a copy i could borrow ???

Ive never heard of a borrowable copy of windows, but if you are looking for an oem copy , you may be able to contact the "oem" of the machine and request a systems disc.

Anything else would be short of a violation of the oem terms of service , but then again marihuana is legal in only some states, as a comparison of laws of course.


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well as far as my oem copy i cant much send it out as it is needed here almost every other day. (its shared by me and 4 other people.)
I could make a copy of it but then again that would be illegal.
do you have your own cd key for windows 7? if so then find a torrent that is not a cracked torrent and use your real key.
I have had to do this with windows xp, and vista.
I have gone from xp to 7 and back again.
they both have good and bad about them...
First about legality, Microsoft always bashed the point that is THE STICKER that make the installed copy legal or illegal, so as far as you have the sticker license on your PC, you can use any way and any system for install the OS on the pc (dvd, flash, original, copied, also telepathy, if you're able to do it in that way :p :D)

Second about functionality ..... if you have XP ..... STAY ON XP :beer: ..... Vienna (win7) is also more crap, failed and bad working than Vista, and Vista was a complete fail itself :na:

And if you want a proof, think to one thing only ..... Microsoft had always stated, when Vista was launched, that after 31 dec 2009 there was no more XP copies available, cause the "new advanced operating systems" Vista and Vienna was substituting it in anything, so they said, no more XP was produced nor selled, after that date ..... well, it can be, but in this case, why after a pair of months from the release of Vienna, Microsoft re-introduced XP, saying that production and selling of it was prolounged til 2012 ? ..... cause Vienna was working too good, i'm sure :whistle: .....

:eg: :na: :crackup:
Sure the sticker makes the copy legal , but not just any disc knows that the sticker exists. OEM discs are made for specific licensing schemes which are mostly held within the bios nowadays. So for the best results contact the OEM provider and get a disc from them , it will be the quickest and most reliable source for the needed disc.
Uhm, now i think ..... phoenix77 is asking specifically for a flash drive .....

Maybe you have one of these netbooks to reinstall ? ..... all the ones i know, don't have cd/dvd readers ..... and without an external usb drive, the only way is using a flashdisk .....
First about legality, Microsoft always bashed the point that is THE STICKER that make the installed copy legal or illegal, so as far as you have the sticker license on your PC, you can use any way and any system for install the OS on the pc (dvd, flash, original, copied, also telepathy, if you're able to do it in that way :p :D)

Second about functionality ..... if you have XP ..... STAY ON XP :beer: ..... Vienna (win7) is also more crap, failed and bad working than Vista, and Vista was a complete fail itself :na:

And if you want a proof, think to one thing only ..... Microsoft had always stated, when Vista was launched, that after 31 dec 2009 there was no more XP copies available, cause the "new advanced operating systems" Vista and Vienna was substituting it in anything, so they said, no more XP was produced nor selled, after that date ..... well, it can be, but in this case, why after a pair of months from the release of Vienna, Microsoft re-introduced XP, saying that production and selling of it was prolounged til 2012 ? ..... cause Vienna was working too good, i'm sure :whistle: .....

:eg: :na: :crackup:

Ohh yeah, I hate Win7, XP was the best IMO.

They have taken so much out of it (midi changing a big for me), and nearly all my development tools I use, dont work, and the Blue tooth sucks. Compatibility mode also is useless.

Trying to find a 64bit XP version, but none seems to sell it in shops anymore :(

IMO, stay away from Windows 7 for now, hopefully they will fix allot of the features.
Trying to find a 64bit XP version, but none seems to sell it in shops anymore :(

IMO, stay away from Windows 7 for now, hopefully they will fix allot of the features.

Thats because its a nigh on ten year old , outdated OS , and Microsoft are desperately trying to ditch it so technology can move forward.

Absolutely ANYONE who doesnt like Windows 7 is doing something wrong.

Vista? yes a dog of an OS , but not Seven.

Off course this is just personal oppinion, and to each thier own.
