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Win a laser in the Forum Donations Fundraiser Contest

One day left.

Please remember to do this as stated in the OP above

Important! Starting October 1st, post what you contributed to the forum during the month of October on this thread towards the Forum Donations Fundraiser Contest. The admins will verify it at a later time.
Be sure that the donation comments on PayPal include your LPF username and mention the Forum Donations Contest.

You need to post on this thread that you want to enter the contest. It will be a bummer if you donated $5 or more and are not entered in the contest because you did not post your entry here on this thread.
This goes for you generous members also that have set up an automatic monthly payment. Post your entry here please if you have not done so already.

PS. Due to a prior commitment :( I need to be out of state until Wednesday so I will get with c0ldshadow and do the drawing by Thursday at the latest.
Good Luck!! :)

Sneaking in at the last minute. :D
$15.00 donation
Good Luck everyone, and Thanks LC! :beer:
Hey Everybody,

Working out final details with several members and c0ldshadow.
Will post the winner real soon :)
:drool: >>> CONGRATULATIONS <<< :drool:
Watch the video for the winner!!!!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for supporting the Laser Pointer Forum.
Please let me know which laser you want and I will ship it out to you right away.


I won a thing? :wtf:
Wow!!! This is super exciting!
Thanks, Laser Chick for putting this whole thing on! :thanks:

I would very much like the 532nm with the highest output,
and I will send you a PM with my details!
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I won a thing? :wtf:
Wow!!! This is super exciting!
Thanks, Laser Chick for putting this whole thing on! :thanks:

I would very much like the 532nm with the highest output,
and I will send you a PM with my details!
Congrats The GreaterWatt, you remembered in the nic of time to post is that a sign or what! Enjoy Good choice by the way also post some pics
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I won a thing? :wtf:
Wow!!! This is super exciting!
Thanks, Laser Chick for putting this whole thing on! :thanks:

I would very much like the 532nm with the highest output,
and I will send you a PM with my details!

Congrats, bud!! Good thing you remembered, and that LC had something going on until a week after! Luck is on your side! Make sure to take some pictures and show that badboy off! :D
Congratulations TheGreaterWatt. Enjoy it :).

Laser Chick, I love the way you did the "drawing" using strips of paper.
@ Mattronium, yeah I thought that would be the fairest way as everybody could see their entries and the drawing actually take place.
Thanks for entering and supporting the forum :)
Congratulations to you, TheGreaterWatt! :beer:

I'm sure you'll be happy with what ever laser you receive, LC is great to deal with, and her lasers are top notch!

BTW - Thanks for running this fundraiser, Laser Chick, everything worked perfectly except that one tiny little thing at the very end. ;) J/K
Nice presentation! Congrats TheGreaterWatt. (Watt is the W in WTH isn't it?)
