I highly doubt, any one member here at LPF does not have some appreciation for sci-fi.
In fact, I have a feeling that most LPF members have a big sc-fi soft spot in their hearts.
I have been here only a few months I have seen lasers made from light sabers, sc-fi replica guns. Even odd items, like a lighter, or a DMM, even a sound meter.
I liked your drill idea as you can see in my post in that thread.
However the video was hard to hunt down. I had to go to youtube and put in your forum name to get to it
But most of all, I could not see the laser. Your video was so dark as far as I could tell you just taped it on. I don't know!
It would have been nice if you showed the laser up close and in good light. Maybe even a shot of the inside.
I'm sure you spent a lot of time designing it and finally assembling it. I's obvious you were proud of it. Why not share that then with some better photos.