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FrozenGate by Avery

What's a daguin?

I always thought the da part was just the first two letters of your first name.
Whoa! I don't think I've directly seen daguin active since the time I've been here! And thanks, never new how to say daguin anyways.
Well how about that, I always thought it would be said like "DAUG-WIN", sounds like "DOG-WIN" with an "A" sound in the dog part.
Very interesting, what is your lineage?
Mine is English/Irish with an American Indian in our genetic woodpile but not our family name.
p.s. I don't know where the "W" sound in my head came from, I think I looked at it wrong the first time I ever saw the name and then forever had it wrong in my mind. I guess it depends on how you precive the A :)
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Welcome back Dave, those are good names, my brothers name is David and my name is Alan.

The Daguin Machine o_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________O
I'm not sure I understand, still.

Any more explanation? :)
Lol, your voice sounds so young, Dave.
Thank you. I'm only 27 in my mind ;)

Whoa! I don't think I've directly seen daguin active since the time I've been here! And thanks, never new how to say daguin anyways.
I don't post much any more

Excuse me Mr.Professor!

Why is ornery old SOB not on the multiple choice list? :na: :scared:

Even though we usually don't agree, good to see you're still around.
We agree on a great many things. It is just that we only spend time and energy speaking about things that we differ on ;)
I'm always "around". About all I do now is moderating duties in the background :tinfoil:

Well how about that, I always thought it would be said like "DAUG-WIN", sounds like "DOG-WIN" with an "A" sound in the dog part.
Very interesting, what is your lineage?
Mine is English/Irish with an American Indian in our genetic woodpile but not our family name.
p.s. I don't know where the "W" sound in my head came from, I think I looked at it wrong the first time I ever saw the name and then forever had it wrong in my mind. I guess it depends on how you precive the A :)
There is a "W" in the original (English) spelling of my last name.
My last name is an "Americanization", of an English translation, of an originally Welsh name.
I have some very old correspondence that show the spelling as "Gwuyann".

The knowledge about my "lineage", once again, drawn from old correspondence, is Irish/Scandinavian, German, and Native American.
Several times I have considered paying the money to have my DNA tested. I have just never "crossed the line" in which I'm willing to dump the cash ;)

Welcome back Dave, those are good names, my brothers name is David and my name is Alan.

I had a problem with my first name way back when I was in elementary (primary) school. It always seemed that there were at least two other Davids in every one of my classes ;)
Now I'm cool with it :D

I'm not sure I understand, still.

Any more explanation? :)
Apparently there was a discussion in chat about what the heck my user name meant and how to say it. One of the participants in that discussion messaged me. He asked me to post this.

A true classic bit of poetry there :beer:

Here's one of my favorites :beer:


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I forgot about that gif. What was his username?

darkarmyofone , aka DAOO
he's most know for doing the "return" trick, that is, he would order an xbox/ps3 sled, extract the valuable blu ray diode and then return it for a refund.
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