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FrozenGate by Avery

What is your internet connection speed?

hi I test the speed of my internet in many sites I got the best and accurate speed results from this site scanmyspeed.com
my results are
test the speed of your internet in the above site and compare it with other results.
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Now the connection speed is about its maximum, in the evening there will be total traffic jam on the lines.. :(

I hate my speed but you believe it or not it's the best in Iran !
I love my cable connection... it's consistently ~25Mb/s:

Note: this is the cheapest (cable Internet connection) I can get in my area
It seems the European internet connections have a higher performance than the American counterparts. I have seen a lot of 100Mb/s connections in Europe.
It seems the European internet connections have a higher performance than the American counterparts. I have seen a lot of 100Mb/s connections in Europe.

Often it seems also at lower prices.

I live twenty minutes from one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world... so the argument that US is huge and the problem is geographic is complete BS.

Currently my bill is $50/month. The speed I'm getting at home, 20mbps down, 2mbps up, is supposedly already in the lower end of the "high performance" category.

In order to go up to 100 down, 20 up, it would be $100 a month. There is no option at all, short of spending A LOT more to increase the upload speed... which to me is nuts.

What's even more crazy is that the speed offered to businesses is often even less! Typically at triple the price.

In the US, competition is supposed to drive up performance and drive down prices. Unfortunately what most often happens is the larger companies simply reach agreements among themselves, so as not to compete, and split the areas geographically.

Seems like there is a never ending cycle of regulation, deregulation, and re-regulation. The consumer gets shafted at every step along the way.

Sorry for the rant.... I'm very particular when it comes to my online experience:p
I have dealt with a lot of terrible providers but my current connection is excellent.
I pay the equivalent of $34/month for 30Mbps down / 3Mbps up.
Even during peak use hours I have never seen it drop below these speeds.

These are the typical results I get:

I am very satisfied. If I ever begin uploading numerous 1080p videos I might get an optical fibre connection though.
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