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What is your favorite laser color?

Which is your favorite laser color?

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Dec 27, 2011
Personally, I gotta say it's a tie between 405 nm and 445 nm.

However, I have had yet to see a greenie, or an orange one. Red is just boring. :P
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Personally, I gotta say it's a tie between 405 nm and 445 nm.

However, I have had yet to see a greenie, or an orange one. Red is just boring. :P

Greens are very impressive/bright,,,but the purple/violet region is my fave :D
I voted 589nm as I really love those observatory shots w/ yellow beam in the night sky! -Glenn
The proper term for 405nm is VIOLET not purple ;)

I voted for 589nm my fav...
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I'm going to have to go with green! I'm not sure why?

I love all of the colors! Green is just my favorite! :)
I'm hooked on 405. I love the color, I love the florescence it generates, and I love how the beam effects my vision (fuzzy beam).

Maybe you should have just stuck with wavelengths, and skipped the colors. If you like lasers in anyway, you'll know the wavelength.
589/594nm is my favorite for sure. I can't wait until I have one to call my own. I really like 450 and 405 as well, but man they $#@% up my dark adaptation.
