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What happened to my laser/lens? :'(


Jan 21, 2013
Alright so this is something thats really got me panicked/worried. Recently, I bought an A140 1w laser from DTR. When i first got it, it was amazing. like holy crap. I was able to see a perfect beam in a well lit room, and when focused it will light a match the second the beam hits it.
So just a few minutes ago, i took the lens off to see the raw beam - there where two little spots on it, one here on there, ok. So to clean it, i take a q-tip and clean it off the wndow a bit. When i turn it back on it looks like this :cryyy:

WTF!? How do i fix this!? looking around, it looks like something burned up on the lens :(
I also cleaned the lens a bit, w/ alcohol earlier, and now it looks like i got some inside the lens! (three element lens) How can i get that out? If i put it inside a vacuum chamber, would that help evacuating it?
Its nowhere near as powerful as it was and is really getting me worried D:
I'll do anything to fix this, as long as i dont need to take anything apart. (the window)
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What do you have your diode installed into? Do you use teflon tape on your lens threads? They are pretty cheap you could just buy another 3 element lens. Is that a picure of the raw output or just unfocused with lens? I have found that my house is dusty and after using my laser I have to clean the lens. I found using a microfiber cloth works good.I was told to use distilled water to clean it. Pure alcohol for really bad dirt. I have read stories of Qtips and rubbing alcohol messing up a lens's AR coating...

Put up some more pictures.
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What do you have your diode installed into? Do you use teflon tape on your lens threads? They are pretty cheap you could just buy another 3 element lens. Is that a picure of the raw output or just unfocused with lens? I have found that my house is dusty and after using my laser I have to clean the lens. I found using a microfiber cloth works good.I was told to use distilled water to clean it. Pure alcohol for really bad dirt. I have read stories of Qtips and rubbing alcohol messing up a lens's AR coating...

Put up some more pictures.
That was raw output. Im not 100% worried about lens though. Its the diode.
but Oh. Shit. Im pretty sure that blue spot = scratch.
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There's an artifact dead center in the diode window that the light passes through, I think that's what the spot in your photo is. I'm sure you could put the lense in a vacuum chamber to boil off the alcohol. If worse comes to worse you can remove the diode window. The debate continues on the pros and cons of removing the window/de-canning so don't ask me if its a good idea but I know it will work.
There's junk on the window, if you can't get it off removing the window is the only fix.
Did you let it get too hot? Maybe due to that its degrading?
Here is the last pic of my raw diode output... You should have seen it before :P

This was what my dirty lens (not diode window) looked like...
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He probably tried cleaning the window, didn't get everything off and turned it on baking the crud onto the diode window.
It's pretty hard to "scratch" a window with a Q-Tip
It is easy to leave residue and/or fibers behind using one

Try gently cleaning it again with a piece of lens cloth and some high quality lens cleaner

If you left crap on the diode and it "baked/burn' onto the glass, you may be forced to remove the diode to decan or replace it

You can try examining the window with a jeweler's loop

The "blue spot" in the photo below looks more like light reflecting off of the crystal face

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He probably tried cleaning the window, didn't get everything off and turned it on baking the crud onto the diode window.


I really dont wanna risk wrecking the diode getting rid of the window. Moving my lens around while its on shows a load of crud on it. How do you guys suggest i clean both the lens + the window? i tried compressed air already. No luck with that..:(
Dave had a good answer ^^^^ if a lense cloth and compressed air doesn't do it then you really don't have much of an option.

- D.
Blowing it away doesn't help. You need to dissolve the crud. Use the Q-tip again and soaked it in acetone or alcohol. Then apply the liquid to the window and let it worked on the crud for a few minutes.
If that doesn't help then I am afraid it is baked in the glass and you need to remove the window.
I'm working with the acetone right now, and if that doesn't work I'll try the alcohol. I'm just super worried breaking the diode removing the window
