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U.S. Laser Incidents Decline for First Time Ever‏


LPF Site Supporter
Dec 28, 2009
U.S. Laser Incidents Decline for First Time Ever‏
Posted Mon, Aug 06 2012 - LaserPointerSafety.com
US: Latest 2012 laser/aircraft incident statistics
Year-to-Date Comparison
The 1,868 reported laser/aircraft incidents thus far in 2012 compare with 1,887 incidents during the same period in 2011, approximately 1,334 incidents during the same period in 2010, and approximately 734 incidents during the same period in 2009.

Projected 2012 Estimate
If the current rate of laser/aircraft incidents continues on the same trend as last year (2011), it is projected that there would be 3,555 incidents in calendar year 2012. This would be a 1.0% decrease compared with the 3,591 incidents in calendar year 2011.

Adverse Effects
In 23 of the 1,868 laser/aircraft incidents (1.2%), a pilot or aircraft occupant reported a temporary adverse visual effect such as flashblindness, afterimage, blurry vision, eye irritation and/or headache. In four of the 23 eye incidents, the pilot went for a medical eye examination.
Incidents by Type (cockpit illumination, intentional exposure, eye effects & injuries)
In mid-2011, Rockwell Laser Industries analyzed 6,903 FAA reports from 2004 to mid-March 2011. They found that the cockpit was illuminated only in about 1,875 incidents (27%). The exposure appeared intentional in about 350 incidents (5% of all illuminations), defined as multiple exposures or the beam tracking the aircraft.


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Looks like idiots are either off the streets or have better things to do now. Nice find!
At least it's going the right direction I hope the trend continues.

Thanks for finding this !
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That is good news ! Hopefully it will decline even more next year.
Looks like idiots are either off the streets or have better things to do now. Nice find!

Let's hope the idiots you speak of are learning from their mistakes. Or if they get their lasers confiscated when they get caught , at least the number of dumb asses with lasers is decreasing.

Either way it is good to hear there are less of these things happening .
Maybe this means all those retards are dropping their lasers down the Stairs, breaking then & not buying more :D
High increase after the 445nm diode and the Arctic were released.

Not that I think the increased number in incidents caused by multimode 445nm lasers directly, but it brought many people into lasers.

This graphic shows again that we have too many idiots out there..
