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Anyone heard from Igor in the last 3-5 days? as i've not heard from him in months!

got an email from igor y'day
he says he finished packaging and shipping, he only has a couple of things he still need to post, and ive got a bad feeling my stuff hasnt been posted yet..........
Time has a different meaning for Igor I think :)
1month= 1 week
1day=1 hour
and after a long wait it applies the opposite for us!
couldnt agree more
back in february he said "i just preparing everything for shipping, you will have your stuff really soon...."
well, 3 months later im still here, same situation!
This just in, "The lasers are all done and shipped".

This is what Igor just wrote me & I am (personally) not implying any more or less than what was written in black & white. He also stated, "I think i told everyone that the lasers are done". So if you didn't get such an email, you may want to send him an email.

Other than that bit of info, we shouldn't expect any further comm from him until like Tue. as he is now occupied with "real work" to pay for his "real bills".
Is it necessary to post everything in two threads? The other one is a "for sale" thread, so "order tracking" posts should go only here I'd say.
Is it necessary to post everything in two threads?

Clearly you haven't been waitng for 120 days plus, otherwise you'd understand the reason behind this double-posting :rolleyes:

Hopefully this thread will soon be dead & buried and we can all get back to work on real topics, like lenses :cool:
Still, it won't come any faster by multi-posting; everyone who's in the wait queue is acutely aware of both threads anyway, and everyone just has to spend/waste more time reading to keep up :rolleyes:.

WHEN (IF?) the lasers arrive, then every non-IgorT customer can simply go away for a day until the "It's HERE!!!" post flood will die down :D

Hopefully this thread will soon be dead & buried
Yup, I second that! Anyway... *pressing thumbs*
I hope we all forget these days when our blurays are delivered.
I am not sure if I can forget the longest waiting period in my life. We almost have a half baby :), as a baby needs about 9 months ;)
Heey it is strange that theneocube I ordered has arrived today.
It took just 10 days to arrive from America(Pennsylvania).
I am curious how long it will take Blurays to come from a nearer country Slovenia :)
You can also order one if you like. You can wait your bluray with less pain ;)
it is just getting ridiculous now......it has been 4 months and still we don't know if the lasers have been posted or not!!i dunno what to say anymore.........
dunno what to say anymore...

believe me when I say I appreciate your (& Murrat's) tension as it is indeed, starting to get "old" (to say the least).

But he wrote to me that all went out last Friday (except for what he calls "phase 2", but that certainly does not include Batch 2 & most likey not even B3s either).

And although I realize this is not the first time we have all gone through this, ah, "cycle", we should give him 'till Friday. By then even the NZer should have received his/ hers...

ciao traveller, come va?
did he say to you that he posted everything out on friday last week (8th of May)?

Igor wrote on the 6th of May
"I just went through two crazy days of packaging and shipping (it's the craziest part of the job, especially trying to make sure all the optics are spotless)
I have a bit more stuff to ship out today and some real work to take care of

i cant really understand if he posted everything or not!!well at this point i REALLY hope he has
i really doubt that it will only take a week from Europe to NZ!!you reckon so?
i am really really confused.....
Electron, I passed on your message to him (no guarantee that it will bring anything, though. Hell, it's not like he's my roomate, more like I was "deputized" 'cause the last deputy got his 6X already and has since moved on to more exciting laser-activities... :p

Guastafeste, abbstanza bene, grazie mille :)

I get stuff shipped from NZ via standard Air Priority in five days, so I don't see why it wouldn't work the other way around... . But hey, you're in the UK anyways & it should take your package four days ;) Mine, three. I mean the man lives in walking distance from the Austrian border. Next time, I'll pick it up myself, lol :p

I took my ragtop down to Grado in just under five hours, averaging 160k on the Austrian side, hitting up to 180kmh on the Italian side... :cool: I'd probably manage it in 4.5hrs but it's tradition to stop at the first Italian highway rest-stop to get a panino followed by a cappucino :D

About 10k before the border, if you swerve left instead of right, your'e headed for Slovenia instead :p I'm not sure however, if the Slovenian highway is as new as it's Italian & Austrian counterparts... .

All this talk makes me want to go on a roooad triiip... haven't seen Lago Di Garda in a while (actually, the last time was during the latest James Bond movie, lol), it's always fun to cruise the west side "wall" ragtop-down, 'cause the view is simply amazing... all the freakin' way down-down-down to the lake, lol.

Ok, I guess I've gone off-topic, but then again, the topic's gotten sooo damned boooring :tired:, who cares, right?
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