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FrozenGate by Avery

These are the Laws I think should be in place for lasers in the US

a disclaimer and a valid credit card with their name or a scan of their approved ID I have seen things like vericheck? used for age in the past.
Everyone should stop with the 'age' bullshit.

If you want a damn laser over 5+ mW you take a laser saftey class.

The End.
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You do realize that the Government will simply ban lasers before they implement certified specialized training classes and licenses just so that people can enjoy lasers as a hobby. Also, and in all liklihood if they were to implement such requirements the training course will likely be very expensive.

The only way the Government is going to even consider this is if they see lasers in the hands of private civilians as a major problem or threat. And in such a case a ban is a lot cheaper and easier and will gain more votes from the general public which could care less about lasers.
Three pages and still no mention of safety glasses, certified or otherwise?
Three pages and still no mention of safety glasses, certified or otherwise?
That is because this is not about safety glasses, it is about laser laws and who should or shouldn't own lasers.
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Yes, these rules make sense, however it's still another idea the government gets to help us live the lives we are so incapable of living ourselves, and to make the big shots who "save the puppies from being blinded" seem like heroes in ways nobody would have expected before...

The age rules shouldn't apply to people ordering >90mW 589's too, I'm only 16! ;)
The reason why there are laws & regulations in place for lasers is because of the increasing number of immature persons using laser pointers maliciously. Too bad there isn't anything we can do about it.
"When fear is eliminated, there is equality" O_O

In any case, there is an important lesson of human psyche to consider:

If a man goes to a karate class, and becomes a black belt, he does not simply kill his wife in a fit of sudden rage.
The discipline required for him to achieve his black belt also serves to give him the responsibility to control himself.

Also along these lines, guns.
A man can buy himself a gun and simply shoot somebody. It takes no effort, no applied disciple for him to acquire his "power". It is simply purchased.

Now, for lasers.
If it was illegal to sell a pre-built laser with a power >5mW. (Pre-built is defined as "able to operate without any specialized knowledge whatsoever"), the discipline and effort required to build the laser for oneself will act as its own safety control.

This is why I'm against the Arctic Spyder Lasers. They can be purchased, and all you need to do is insert batteries (ammo), and fire. No specialized knowledge is required.
