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FrozenGate by Avery

**** the government - wake up people!?

Lay off the drugs Wes...sounds like you are the one afraid.

If you lead a clean life than there is no need to worry about anything. Its really that simple.

@ rangedunits Hitler and Marx were great men with good ideas. Absolute power perverted their ideals and rotted their minds like power always does. In the US there is no absolue power so this cant happen. Unlike the other 2 our people have a voice and can change things if there is a big enough stink. Its called impeachment. Excuse me but doesn't Canada (were you live) have socialized medicine?? So you are basically saying your county follows Marx and Hitlers ideals too. Hmmm I guess you are right. You should add a Canadian flag to your picture too.
The ammo shortage is being caused by scared people buying cases of ammo which they will never use. Someday, all this ammo will appear on the market at reduced prices.


The American Populace is the largest standing, armed army ever known. It is our responsibility to defend the US Constitution and our freedoms. Unlike other countries who gave up their weapons, WE will keep ours as required by the founding fathers. When the legislators stop fearing us, we are in trouble.
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I'd like you to come to Argentina just for a few days and walk around the city.

When you go back to your home the first thing you're gonna do is edit that post :D
Lay off the drugs Wes...sounds like you are the one afraid.

If you lead a clean life than there is no need to worry about anything. Its really that simple.

@ rangedunits Hitler and Marx were great men with good ideas. Absolute power perverted their ideals and rotted their minds like power always does. In the US there is no absolue power so this cant happen. Unlike the other 2 our people have a voice and can change things if there is a big enough stink. Its called impeachment. Excuse me but doesn't Canada (were you live) have socialized medicine?? So you are basically saying your county follows Marx and Hitlers ideals too. Hmmm I guess you are right. You should add a Canadian flag to your picture too.

Did you say Impeachment ? Hahahaha. like that will happen with Obama.

We all knew it was coming..

Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax
form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
The bill was introduced on Feb. 24th and will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law.. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means
that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all..
The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage You can find it by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099. SB2099
Were trusting america with a guy who goes by what a teleprompter tells him what to do.

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I'd like you to come to Argentina just for a few days and walk around the city.

When you go back to your home the first thing you're gonna do is edit that post :D

I was speaking for the US. I'm sure every country has its own set of problems. The world is not perfect, and neither are we (the people). The only things I don't like is all the arm chair politicians who complain about everything but don't vote. Or the other idiots who reflect others opinions instead of doing the research and forming their own opinions. Or the morons who follow their party so blindly that they ignore the truth no matter how clear it is. Those are the people that make the world suck because they defeat others who are trying to make a difference. In the US no one does anything unless something affects their qualiy of life. We have so many people we could change anything if we just came together. You see all the time that one person can make a difference, but still no one will get off their ass till it affects their wallet. Then they start to cry, but most will still not do anything.
I was speaking for the US. I'm sure every country has its own set of problems. The world is not perfect, and neither are we (the people). The only things I don't like is all the arm chair politicians who complain about everything but don't vote. Or the other idiots who reflect others opinions instead of doing the research and forming their own opinions. Or the morons who follow their party so blindly that they ignore the truth no matter how clear it is. Those are the people that make the world suck because they defeat others who are trying to make a difference. In the US no one does anything unless something affects their qualiy of life. We have so many people we could change anything if we just came together. You see all the time that one person can make a difference, but still no one will get off their ass till it affects their wallet. Then they start to cry, but most will still not do anything.

Dude I wasn't talking about you, I was saying that to wes, don't worry ;)

(I agree COMPLETELY with the fact that nobody will do anything unless it costs them money. Also, there's that thing where something isn't solved unless something happens like a place blowing up because of bad gas connection...then the whole country gets crazy mad with gas connections until something else happens and so on..).
i'm don't completely agree with everything the founding father's put down on a piece of paper 233 years ago. Too much has happened in the world since then to go by their ideas.
Just as i know my next door neighbor is not a witch and i don't need to burn her on a stake , and that i won't fall off the earth if i sail too far, I cannot live my life based around the ideas of men that were in a government office over 200 years ago.

The day we need to be "scared" is the day they try to say they won't be holding elections anymore....THEN, and only then would the american people need to step up. Aside from that, there are protocols in place for dealing with......well, fuckups in office.

People are always going to freak out about stupid things....pointless things...

i whole hearted believe in the right to OWN firearms. i DO NOT on the other hand believe there is any reason for someone to be carrying it around hidden under their shirt, whether they have a license to do so or not.
Protection? from what? other idiot hiding guns under their shirt too?

We have police,so lets use them. no they are not out to taze old woman and beat up retards.
We as a people have put these people in charge of keeping the peace. They are doing what they have been told to do, and trained to do.

wesdaman....your a child. as a child i expect you to think like a child. your whole rant about "soldiers" just doing what they are told to do....
um, DUH? thats the entire point. when your not charged with the role of leadership then you just do as your told, otherwise things get sour very quickly.

....and shave that crap off your face...your only 14...facial hair just makes you look retarded when your 14...and we wouldn't want you to get roughed up by the police in a case of mistaken identity would we?
If they didnt impeach Bush believe me Obama is going no where LOL. Dont believe the propaganda.
I'm starting a "Stupid Laws thread", there are old laws that are so funny you'll want to eat cereal all night long.
Hilarious, dude. Seriously funny stuff.

Try googling this one. Or go straight to snopes. Or really anywhere. Not only is it false, it's false and OLD. Like turn of the millenium/Y2K old. Yep, introduced Feb. 24th, alright. Feb. 24th 2000, that is.

Nice try.

Did you say Impeachment ? Hahahaha. like that will happen with Obama.

We all knew it was coming..

Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2009 1040 federal tax
form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.
The bill was introduced on Feb. 24th and will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law.. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means
that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all..
The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage You can find it by doing a search by the bill number, SB-2099. SB2099
Hilarious, dude. Seriously funny stuff.

Try googling this one. Or go straight to snopes. Or really anywhere. Not only is it false, it's false and OLD. Like turn of the millenium/Y2K old. Yep, introduced Feb. 24th, alright. Feb. 24th 2000, that is.

Nice try.

Oh yeah, 2012 is TOTALLY going to happen.
