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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

That's why a judge can issue a protective order without the person being convicted, but the person at the very least needs to have that day in court before property is taken, otherwise take the person into protective custody.

You want to strip citizens of gun rights on a blanket basis to prevent the fraction of a percent who might kill someone, that's just banning guns by another name, because if you can blanket ban gun rights for men who are getting divorced, then why not anyone for anything, it's unconstitutional.

We can not prevent every murder, we don't take cars/trucks, kitchen knives, baseball bats away from men who are getting divorced simply because they might decide to kill...... this is just gun control by another avenue and it is unconstitutional.

This being Unconstitutional is just your opinion. The many families of murdered women would beg to differ.

The Harris Walz campaign is headed for Michigan and Minesota today. J D Vance has been shadowing them sans Trump. Guess he's got better things to do than campaign.

J D Vanc is speaking before no crowd at all. Just a few employers behind him and local press. It is hilarious! He is lying over and over again. He said that the border is the problem while the numbers coming arcoss are far fewer than before. He also said that Walz is the stolen valor as he wasn't in battle.I don't think that will land as he was in the National Guard for 24 years. He is also saying that if his mother had been adicted when fentanyl was aroud she would be dead. Who actually knows? What a scammer.
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The crowds at the Harris Walz is huge! Many people stood in line for hours to be there. Why hasn't Donald Trump gone with Vance to campaign? I guess we may never know.
The rally in Eau Claire Minasota had 12,000 people who had to walk two miles to get to the cornfield where this happened. The crowd was fired up as Walz spoke first then Harris. Meanwhile J D Vance held a "rally" with no crowds and lied his ass off.
Another huge crowd in Detroit, Michigan. The Harris Walz team will be speakng here today. Looks like the people here are fired up just like in Minesota.
Trump has always had massive crowds, Biden never did, about time your side could draw a crowd, lol.
Trump has always had massive crowds, Biden never did, about time your side could draw a crowd, lol.

Two very large crowds. The one in Detroit was about 20,000. The one in Eau Claire was 12,000. Not bad for a rual area. Looks like J D Vance has been trying to disrupt Harris and Walz to no avail. He complained that Walz never saw combat, but neither did he. Walz spent 24 years in the Army National Guard in artilary. He quit that to run for Congress. He hadn't been able to hear until a VA surgeon brought that back for him and it was only then that he heard his then 4 year old daughter wake up singing.
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Walz is still a 2 faced parasite scumbag and besides that, I don't believe a dam thing he says.
Walz is still a 2 faced parasite scumbag and besides that, I don't believe a dam thing he says.

You are entitled to your own opinion, but he is loved in Minesota and by the Democratic party. Swing voters love him as well.
Walz is guilty of stolen valor, he claimed to be a command Sargent, but he wasn't.

Minnesota has big problems on account of Walz, not everyone there loves him..... actually I doubt anyone really loves him, you're just spewing hopeful propaganda, good luck with that, you're sure gonna need it.
Walz is guilty of stolen valor, he claimed to be a command Sargent, but he wasn't.

Minnesota has big problems on account of Walz, not everyone there loves him..... actually I doubt anyone really loves him, you're just spewing hopeful propaganda, good luck with that, you're sure gonna need it.

That "stolen valor" is a Vance talking point. Vance never saw combat either. He escorted repoters around. That was it. Walz at least spent 24 years in the Army National Guard as an artilary enlisted man and left as a Sargent Major.
I was wrong about the size of the Detroit rally today. It was more than 50,000 people who attended it.
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