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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I want true American Freedom restored, we have too many regulations, laws on top of laws, federal, state, county, hoa, local ordinances...... too much micro management and it's only getting worse.

Right now new cars are being built with driver monitoring software and remote shut down so government and police can take control any time they want, this was signed into law in Biden's " infrastructure bill " and it will only get worse.

Want to go to the store ? Well soon your car will be asking you if you really need to make that trip, if you couldn't walk or ride the bus or carpool with some neighbors...... to save the planet of course.

Of course this is being sold as a protection against impaired driving, all new cars by 2026 will have driver monitoring software to detect impaired driving and if detected shut down the car, but this is just a starting point, this is the control democRATS want over everyone and everything.

Want to turn up/down your thermostat in your own home ? Soon you will have to pay an environmental impact tax and it will also impact your social score.

Democrats are constantly attacking our 1st and 2nd amendment rights because these rights are in their way to total control.

Are Republicans perfect, no, but they do generally support smaller government.
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I want true American Freedom restored, we have too many regulations, laws on top of laws, federal, state, county, hoa, local ordinances...... too much micro management and it's only getting worse.

Right now new cars are being built with driver monitoring software and remote shut down so government and police can take control any time they want, this was signed into law in Biden's " infrastructure bill " and it will only get worse.

Want to go to the store ? Well soon your car will be asking you if you really need to make that trip, if you couldn't walk or ride the bus or carpool with some neighbors...... to save the planet of course.

Of course this is being sold as a protection against impaired driving, all new cars by 2026 will have driver monitoring software to detect impaired driving and if detected shut down the car, but this is just a starting point, this is the control democRATS want over everyone and everything.

Want to turn up/down your thermostat in your own home ? Soon you will have to pay an environmental impact tax and it will also impact your social score.

Democrats are constantly attacking our 1st and 2nd amendment rights because these rights are in their way to total control.

Are Republicans perfect, no, but they do generally support smaller government.

No, Republicans are threatening our first amendment rights. I cannot emphasize this enough that Republicans are trying to get a minority rule over everyone in this country. They know they cannot win any other way and so Project 2025 is their plan to highjack the will of the people to gain a minority will over everyone. Look into it. This is serious!
I've started reading it and it's not what you say, not that I have seen.
I think you just don't want anything but your democRAT agenda implemented.
I've started reading it and it's not what you say, not that I have seen.
I think you just don't want anything but your democRAT agenda implemented.

Yeah, keep calling us rats. That is gonna get Trump elected. The Project 2025 states that we cannot win and therefore we need to take control of the people. This has been advanced by the Heritage Foundation. That should be enough to alarm everyone. Good luck with your chances this year. You are gonna need it. ;)
Where did you see it say anything about republicans saying they couldn't win ?
It's Biden who can't win, not without cheating/interference which is being attempted yet again.
Where did you see it say anything about republicans saying they couldn't win ?
It's Biden who can't win, not without cheating/interference which is being attempted yet again.

It's always cheating that that gets Democrats to win an election. That is NONSENSE!! Just look at what The Heritage Foundation has said about Project 2025 and you will see that this is all about minority rule. This should alarm everyone.
So it doesn't actually say what you said it did...... I'm not surprised paul.

In American politics the pendulum swings one way then the other, that's part of our balance of power, neither side is meant to always hold the reigns....... you had your turn with Biden even though States changed voting laws without a vote ( ILLEGAL ) but got away with it on account of covid, democRATS harvested ballots and stuffed ballot boxes and the FBI ran interference by announcing the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation...... it was not !

People have had enough of Biden, now it's our turn and democRATS are cheating again via political lawfare in blue cities, but it's going to backfire, Biden is not going to steal another turn at bat because people see what you are doing and they don't like it.
Red, I don't disagree with a lot of what you said about how heavy handed they're getting with the environmental fees and such, but the answer is not to deny climate change is happening.

Actually in this regard I'm not sure what the solution is. The people who cause the most harm to the environment are also the most wealthy and influential, and theyve demonstrated time and time again they won't change their ways. The PR campaign done by the elites to convince the middle and lower classes that they're responsible for the climate catastrophe unfolding is truely masterful in the worst way. :/

But last time Trump was in office, he rolled back hundreds of EPA regulations and cut their budget, so that's definitely not what we want for the welfare of the planet.

What we need is someone with the fucking balls to hit the 1% with hard environmental regulations and bring their output down to the rest of us, and then we can start looking regulations to help curb pollution from the greater populace.
I'd argue that both parties attack the 1st amendment in different ways. It was trump who called for a year in prison for burning the flag, which the court has ruled is protected speech. This is just one minor example.

It was trump who tried to steal the election. His co-conspirators and he are the ones who tried to use "fake" and "fraudulent" electors. (Their words in internal communication not mine). Trump is the one who called governors like some kind of mafia boss demanding they find him votes. I can't imagine putting my trust in individuals like Dinesh D'souza, a convicted fraud and general huckster. Or guliani, who can't tell the difference between the 4 seasons hotel and an alley between a landscaping company and a porn store. Or Mike Lindell, former crack head and trump ball licker. Or Sidney Powell (still waiting on that kracken release) in the lawsuit against her, she offered a defense that no reasonable person would take her words to be statement of fact (ive read the court documents). Could have fooled me, I figured if she didn't mean her statements to be taken as fact, she wouldn't have gone on every conservative outlet and spouted her drivel, but hey what do I know? Hilarious how quickly they will throw their supporters under the bus when it's their ass on the line. I mean, I knew MAGAts were unreasonable, but it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Also, as previously mentioned, there were the 60sih court cases that were mostly lost or thrown out. Of note here is that some of the presiding judges were trump appointed. So for a MAGAt, there are a few options to believe here, only one of which can be true as far as I can tell. Either the election was stolen and all those whack jobs I mentioned are right. In this scenario though, that would mean that Trump is inept at picking judges who aren't part of the "demon rat" conspiracy to steal the election, deep state members, in which case, why the hell would you trust him to "drain the swamp" or root out the deep state, he can't even pick judges who will rule in his favor that the election was stolen.

Or option 2 the election wasn't rigged, those people are full of it and are grifters, and the judges ruled fairly. Choose wisely
We have a choice between a convicted felon and civilly sex offender and tax cheat or a decent guy who has tried his best to bring laws into effect for all people. Trump is still going to be tried for 54 felonies as well.
The courts wouldn't give standing to the stolen election cases even though state voting laws were changed without a vote on account of covid, I expect they didn't want to overturn the election at that point so not giving the cases standing was the easiest way out.
Democrats are well known to " fortify " elections, they just fortified a good bit more with covid as an easy excuse.

The FBI did in fact announce to the world that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation..... it was not, this could have swayed the election alone.

Ballot harvesting and box stuffing did take place in states where it was illegal, but again state voting laws were changed without a vote on account of covid and the court would not give standing to hear these cases.
The courts wouldn't give standing to the stolen election cases even though state voting laws were changed without a vote on account of covid, I expect they didn't want to overturn the election at that point so not giving the cases standing was the easiest way out.
Democrats are well known to " fortify " elections, they just fortified a good bit more with covid as an easy excuse.

Sorry you didn't like the results of the last election. You won't like the results of this one either.
Wanna bet ?

Also what new information did your comment just add ?
You're repeating the same crap again paul just to be a turd.
I don't think voters will vote for Biden, many won't vote at all, but many who wouldn't have voted at all will NOW vote for Trump because of the crap your woke democRATS are pulling hijacking blue state legal systems for political lawfare.

p.s. @ Shakenawake: Hillary pulled out all the stops attempting to overturn her loss to Trump, then we had the fake dossier that claimed Trump paid hookers to give him golden showers and spent years on the fake Russian interference attack against Trump........ ironic that we are now in a proxy war with Russia after the Biden admin. did nothing to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine even though there was ample warning...... well maybe not ironic, maybe just like the Iraq WMD's that Bush claimed but didn't exist or like how Pearl Harbor was a big surprise.... actually we let it happen to get into WWII and Biden let Russia invade Ukraine because Hillary didn't get what she bought and paid for..... now were paying for it all.... again.
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The latest Fox News poll has Biden ahead of Trump. ;)

I've been hearing that conspiracy theory about Roosevelt getting us into WW II since before you were born. Conspiracies are nothing new with Republicans. Russia did help Trump with his 2016 election. Just read the Mueller Report. Hell, even Republican lawmakers admitted that this happened.
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Ehh, for the 1st time 48-50, it's been 51-48 ect..... not a big deal, easily within margin of error, in reality there is no way that you can be certain of who will win as of todays date and neither can I, but I can live with it if Trump doesn't win..... can you live with it when he does win ..... again ?
Ehh, for the 1st time 48-50, it's been 51-48 ect..... not a big deal, easily within margin of error, in reality there is no way that you can be certain of who will win as of todays date and neither can I, but I can live with it if Trump doesn't win..... can you live with it when he does win ..... again ?

There are still five months until the election. This race has been within the margin of error since it began. As voters become more engaged I believe you'll see that Biden's lead gets wider. People who hate Trump really hate him. Biden is not hated among most of the electorate. We shall see if you or I am correct as we get closer to November.
