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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Well I like Trump and Vance and I don't like Harris or Walzs.

I don't see either party winning a trifecta this time with everyone so divided, but we shall see.

As for dems pushing unconstitutional laws now or in the future, you will get a fight, how big a fight depends on how hard you push..... again my opinion.

Of course you like Trump. It was you guys that decided to run him. I will be forever grateful.

You will pull out your hair and bang your head on the kitchen table every day Trump is in office, for 4 years paul, and it's your own dam fault, lol 🤪 🤪 🤪
Gonna have to disagree with you there paul, remember the liberal propaganda will try to pump Harris up, but it's not accurate, the race is Trumps to lose and he hasn't lost it yet, actually Harris will see the end of her honeymoon phase soon and have to come up with some real answers, she hasn't yet.

Also noticed you upped your adjective from like to love your chances..... convincing yourself are you ?? lol
Of course you do. When have you ever in your lifetime seen the kind of enthusiasm that Democrtas have now? Not ever. And certainly never with Trump. This will ride Harris into the White House, mark my words.
You are deluded, mark my words !

Remember what you said about Hillary ? ((( BAM ))) ;)🤪
Actually as we are so strongly divided, what we may see in the not so distant future is a balkanization with like minded people relocation to States who's State government reflects their views and people are going to dig in and keep the fed out, then when money is withheld so will be revenue, again it could get messy.
Actually as we are so strongly divided, what we may see in the not so distant future is a balkanization with like minded people relocation to States who's State government reflects their views and people are going to dig in and keep the fed out, then when money is withheld so will be revenue, again it could get messy.

Sounds like you are talking about seceding from the union. Good luck with that.

Despertaion makes for stange bed-fellows.
Good luck stopping it, or either concessions will be made for State laws being allowed to contrast federal laws..... which they do right now on marijuana laws.
Good luck stopping it, or either concessions will be made for State laws being allowed to contrast federal laws..... which they do right now on marijuana laws.

Like I said a moment ago in my last post, desperation makes for strange bed-fellows.
How many young women have moved from a State with an abortion ban to a State without one ?
Same thing paul, and if Trump won and attempted to ban abortion nation wide, I bet California and a few others would take a stand against it.
There's no difference with the 2A community, well we are bigger.
How many young women have moved from a State with an abortion ban to a State without one ?
Same thing paul, and if Trump won and attempted to ban abortion nation wide, I bet California and a few others would take a stand against it.
There's no difference with the 2A community, well we are bigger.

There are acually many gun owners who now believe that common sense gun laws are necessary. Take that to the bank.

Tim Walz had an A rating form the NRA. He gave all the money they gave him to charity. He now has an F rating and he wears that like a badge.
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You can bank on whatever liberal ideals you like, but we are already seeing a balkanization, marijuana laws, gun laws, immigration laws, abortion laws..... if you think dems are going to win nationally with a radical plan, hijack the scotus and make the entire nation comply, you are dead wrong, take that to the bank and mark my words.
I guess you didn't see my last post after I added to it. Walz had an A rating from the NRA. He gave all the money they gave him to charity. Now he has an F rating and he wears that like a badge. :ROFLMAO:
The fact that he had an A rating and took NRA money then flipped 180 proves he is a two faced parasite who stands for nothing but his own political advancement..... I wouldn't brag about that..... so he's stupid too.......or he thinks his supporters are stupid...... actually he's right about that much as you were simple enough to brag on him for it. 🤪
