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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Marjorie Tayor Greene?! Really?! Who cares what she has to say. Trump is now railling against Presdent Obama. This guy is all over the map. Trump is obviously scared.

J D Vance, trying to clean up his remarks about "childless cat people" said,"I don'thave anything against cats." Looks like he still has a problem with the "people" he was talking about.
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Harris is holding a campaign rally in Georgia today. This ws a state Biden won in 2020. Looks like it's still in play.
Trump will win Ga. this time, we have a lot of hunters who don't trust Harris to respect our Constitution.
The latest poll has Harris dead even with Trump in Georgia. She leads Trump by 11 points in Michigan, 2 points in Arizona, Nevada and Wisconisn. Looks to me like she might take them all.
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We will see paul, of course the election isn't tonight and whatever polls your looking at don't decide the winner, actually Harris was always way behind in a hypothetical Trump/Harris match up..... funny how now that it's not hypothetical, the polls are saying Harris has a chance..... I don't put much faith in those polls.
We will see paul, of course the election isn't tonight and whatever polls your looking at don't decide the winner, actually Harris was always way behind in a hypothetical Trump/Harris match up..... funny how now that it's not hypothetical, the polls are saying Harris has a chance..... I don't put much faith in those polls.

Of course you don't. When they show a massive Harris lead will you then?
Of course you don't. When they show a massive Harris lead will you then?

Right now the democrat machine is scrubbing information from the web, they are attempting to memory hole the Trump assassination attempt and scrubbing info calling Harris the border czar, I have no doubt the polls will be corrupted as well, but no way in hell will I ever believe that cackling moron Harris is the choice of the majority of the people to serve as President of The United States of America no matter how hard they try to sell it.
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You could always move to Russia where the leaders are strong and authoritarian like you like, and gays oppressed
Right now the democrat machine is scrubbing information from the web, they are attempting to memory hole the Trump assassination attempt and scrubbing info calling Harris the border czar, I have no doubt the polls will be corrupted as well, but no way in hell will I ever believe that cackling moron Harris is the choice of the majority of the people to serve as President of The United States of America no matter how hard they try to sell it.

Harris was never the border czar. That is something the right has called her. She was charged with finding better ways to limit immigration, but she was never called a Czar of any kind. Like it has been said, you can always move to Russia. You should love it there. :LOL:
Good video from my boy Kyle today. Jordan Peterson is saying that families and doctors who willingly get trans healthcare for their kids are worse than Joseph mengele, the angel of death who forcibly did medical experiments on and executed people who were forcibly removed from their homes and shoved into trains. If this comparison to fascists, the worst variety of fascists, makes sense to you, but none of my clearly laid out comparisons to generic fascism do, might be time to do some holocaust research. Just the other day I actually read the entire Wikipedia page and many of it's links about auschwitz. It is crazy. 7000kg of human hair recovered by the red army, and that wasn't even all that had been removed from their victims heads during the camps operation. 10-12kg of gold per month just from tooth fillings

I believe stardustsprinkles said I was encouraging political violence when I made the objective comparisons to fascism. If that's the case, then I guess we have a case of even worse calls for political violence coming from the right, as Jordan says here that these people are worse than death camp nazis, and presumably in his reckoning I would be a willing accomplice since I support families and doctors right to choose and self-determine. (Also trump calls the left fascists and communists on a regular basis, even though those things are mutually exclusive. So by stardustsprinkle's own logic, Trump is calling for political violence against the left because we all know there's only one way to deal with fascists right? Your words, not mine. Oh but it's OK when Trump does it right? He's not being hyperbolic even though he couldn't explain how the left are fascists if his life depended on it. Just me, I'm the hyperbolic hysteric one, even though I laid out clear parallels of behavior, rhetoric, beliefs, ideology, and iconography)

There would be no solace is knowing you progressives finally get it once Freedom is lost, for that is a fate we would all suffer for quite some time, my ambition is not to live under a tyrannical authoritarian governance, which is what we will get if democrats are ever allowed to pack the court with unconstitutional puppets, nuke the congressional filibuster and hamstring the Executive branch.

Don't be fooled, your democrat reps and their wealthy supporters will tell you a pretty story, but they will implement their own agenda and use climate change as a tool to lull people into giving up rights and liberties " to save the planet " and make for themselves very very comfortable lives.

Trump is the better choice because he will give us a strong economy that lifts everyone, on the other hand the hand out promised by Harris, will never come, like in the song by Gil Scott Heron " The Train from Washington " seems poor Americans have been promised for a very long time, but democrats have never delivered in any appreciable way.

