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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Just watched Trump at the National Association of Black Journalists. What a train wreck! His supporters in the crowd still supported him, but no one else did. This was supposed to go on for an hour, but after a little over 30 minutes his campaign stopped it.
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Ohh Nooo !
Even Iran isn't that stupid, if they set off a nuke in Israel they know they would be starting a nuclear war with the US.
If they had just one they'd probably use it in a public test and hope that the US and Isreal believe they may have more and leave them alone. We'll keep sticking our thumbs in their eyes until they do get one

Republicans: "can you believe how racist Joe Biden is? He said if you don't vote for him, you ain't black"

Also Republicans, Jesse waters specifically: if you vote Democrat you aren't a real man, you're trans

Also trump: if you don't vote for me you ain't Jewish (paraphrasing)
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I highly doubt any of the nuclear powers would ever use a nuke in a preemptive way like that. Eight of the countries have at least semi sane leaders who if nothing else would avoid this for self preservation and Kim Jong Un's fingers are just too fat to press any red buttons. Even if Iran got The Bomb the Ayatollahs would not want to become a puddle of radioactive goo and they would avoid intentionally starting something like that. They'll just use the nukes as a deterrent and for intimidation purposes.

If nuclear weapons end up getting used, I'd imagine it would be a desperation thing after one nuclear power had been crippled and was near defeat after a conventional war and then had nothing to lose.
That bomb that was used in Tehran has been reported now to have been there for months. I guess that Iran didn't sweep for them.
Paul Whelan and Evan Greshkovich are now back in American custody after a prisoner swap with Russia.
Woah, yeah, of it was a bomb that had been planted in the room well before, then that's really negligent by the IRGC to have not caught that. If it had been an ATGM attack from kms away you could say that's really hard to defend against, but this looks like sloppy security.

President Biden had a mike drop moment addressing the prisoner swap when asked, "Donald Trump said he could have gotten the prisoners out without givng anything in return." Biden said, "Then why didn't he do it when he was president?" :LOL:
I have always thought about an enemy smuggling in nukes and putting them into public rental storage units in all the major cities, then they could trigger them all at once or one after another.

It's not impossible and after seeing how sloppy our secret service was.........

Actually when Obama was in office the secret service allowed a fake sign language guy to get next to Obama while he was speaking at Nelson Mandela's wake and they let an armed fake agent with a criminal record get on an elevator with Obama....... I wondered if they weren't trying to let him get assassinated.

Makes me wonder how much danger Trump was in when he went to see Kim Jung Un in North Korea.

Anyway I hope our alphabet agencies aren't too busy pouncing on outspoken people with a dim view of the liberal agenda to do the needed work to keep our nation safe from foreign threats because we allow so many tonnes of contraband to get smuggled across our southern border every year, plus what gets through in shipping containers.

Hell we could face a chemical or biological attack because of our sloppy border policy under Biden/Harris.

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