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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

They should have a special debate where both Trump and Harris have to drink a shot of whiskey every time the moderator calls them out for saying something untrue.

By the end of the debate they are both passed out drunk on the floor farting, snoring, and drooling whiskey into the carpet.
I'm holding out hope Trump will debate Harris at all. I can't say that she lies. That is more of a Trump thing.
I watched all of these and the first is nothing to complain about. The other two are from Sky News again. They are proven to be a propaganda arm for Donald Trump. You'll have to do better if you want people to believe you.
I think seeing conservatives talk about the movie idiocracy is rich. Bro.... YOUR party is the one with pro wrestlers giving speeches and tearing off their shirts.

Trump would be a coward not to debate Harris. Any reasons given to not do it are cope and cowardice. Unfair moderators? Biased news network? So what? Why can't trump just call them out when they say something he takes issue with. He lies like he breathes and being confronted with facts has never stopped him before. I still remeber that republican primary debate where he didn't want to because Meagan Kelly would be mean to him. Just makes him look weak and pathetic. His supporters will spin it as brave and stoic though.

A friend shared this with me the other day. Is this real? Anyone have a video or audio of this? I am curious to know if it's real. It wouldn't surprise me if it were. And they say Kamala does word salads...1000010033.jpg

Holy crap it's real. Here about 1 hour 11 minutes into this interview.

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The SCOTUS overturned Idaho's ban on emergency abortions. Amy Coney Barrett was instrumental in getting John Roberts and one other to side with liberals to get this done. She was very concerned that women were airlifted out of the state to get lifesaving medical attention.

There were still three conservatives who dissented saying that Idaho ban didn't bother them. Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch.
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Why would anyone in their right mind support a president who thinks he can do whatever he wants? How does this not scream authoritarian to them?

Got to love the media.
Two children dead, six children in critical condition, and further three children injured. And two adults severely injured.
Attacked by Ali Al-Shakati, a 17 year old immigrant on a MI6 watchlist with mental health problems.
Not a terror incident apparently.

99% peaceful protest by the 'far-right' and the leader is arrested for anti-terrorism for showing a banned video.

Stabby stabby by muslim immigrant = not terrorism.
Holding a flag and watching a video by white national = terrorism
Why would anyone in their right mind support a president who thinks he can do whatever he wants? How does this not scream authoritarian to them?

I watch Biden mumble and talk about passing legislation to hamstring the SCOTUS and to remove Presidental immunity and make Presidents weak and helpless, this is an attempt to give Congress ALL THE POWER with no checks and balances, this is the tyranny we should all be very concerned about because a bad President can be impeached, there is already checks and balances, democrats just want to control everything and the CubanAmerican community in south Florida knows what it looks like all too well, you liberals should listen to them as they come from communism and came to America to get the hell away from communism.
Well for starters I am a libertarian socialist not a liberal. Hamstring the SCOTUS? By having an ethics code? Right on. Too much blatant corruption and conflicts of interest especially from Clarence Thomas.

Did the workers in Cuba own the means of production? Was housing decommodified?
I watch Biden mumble and talk about passing legislation to hamstring the SCOTUS and to remove Presidental immunity and make Presidents weak and helpless, this is an attempt to give Congress ALL THE POWER with no checks and balances, this is the tyranny we should all be very concerned about because a bad President can be impeached, there is already checks and balances, democrats just want to control everything and the CubanAmerican community in south Florida knows what it looks like all too well, you liberals should listen to them as they come from communism and came to America to get the hell away from communism.

As Donald Trump knows now you can't impeach a president without a crime. I cannot wait for him to be sentenced on 9/17/24. More to come after that.
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Well for starters I am a libertarian socialist not a liberal. Hamstring the SCOTUS? By having an ethics code? Right on. Too much blatant corruption and conflicts of interest especially from Clarence Thomas.

Where was the code of ethics when conflicted judge Merchan was brought in special to railroad Trump in that kangaroo court mockery of justice political lawfare " hush money " trial where they bootstrapped a past the statute of limitations state bookkeeping charge into a felony and trampled Trumps rights ?

Where was the code of ethics when conflicted judge Merchan was brought in special to railroad Trump in that kangaroo court mockery of justice political lawfare " hush money " trial where they bootstrapped a past the statute of limitations state bookkeeping charge into a felony and trampled Trumps rights ?

No one's rights got trampled. Trump was convicted by a jury he helped seat. There were Fox News watchers on it and even one who got his news on Truth Social. Next he will be sentenced.

I find it hilarious that J D Vance is calling for the AG to investigate judge Jaun Merchan.
I have zero faith in Garland doing anything right, but we will once again have a competent DOJ after Trump appoints a new AG and the perversion of our legal system used to target a political opponent will have to be answered for, so don't get your hopes up over Trumps sentencing, it won't change anything of any significance...... actually I wouldn't be surprised if it gets pushed out again until after the election.
