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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

As of today Harris has raised a whopping more than $200 million from small donors. 66% of those are first time donors.
1/6 was just another mostly peaceful protest only without the looting and burning.

That's a ridicous statement. Do I need to provide video of that insurection? The capital police were assaulted and the Capial overrun with rioters. Quite a few are sitting in prison now. Others are still waiting to be tried. Trump would like to pardon the lot of them. So much for aw and order.
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This was unnecessary and done for political reasons, the Biden admin. has been the threat to democracy.

That is WRONG. Leave it to the NY Post to get this all wrong. The FBI made sure that Trump wasn't even there as they cordinated with the Secret Serive and that form was more about what the FBI couldn't do than any intent they had. Biden was given the exact same form when his house was searched after he found and turned over documents he shouldn't have had.

Trump is still railing about Biden's age and being unfit to serve. Last time I looked Trump is the only old fart in ths race. But, keep talking about Biden. :ROFLMAO:
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Who's the nutjobs ?
People who watch mainstream media are being feed nonsense causing them to look like imbeciles.
This is ((( IDIOCRACY ))) in the making.

Who's the nutjobs ?
People who watch mainstream media are being feed nonsense causing them to look like imbeciles.
This is ((( IDIOCRACY ))) in the making.

You need to a lot better than Sky News. I've shown that they are nothing more than a propaganda arm for Donald Trump. They conduct their own polls? Then cite them as proof? That's hilarious! :LOL:
That's a ridicous statement. Do I need to provide video of that insurection? The capital police were assaulted and the Capial overrun with rioters. Quite a few are sitting in prison now. Others are still waiting to be tried. Trump would like to pardon the lot of them. So much for aw and order.

Many of the truly peaceful protesters who walked into the Capital through open doors...... walked in calmly ..... past security guards who said nothing..... looking like tourist..... had the book thrown at them....... had their rights denied and yes some are still locked up without a trial today.

Those innocent protesters who " technically albeit unwittingly " were trespassing did not deserve the sentences they received just to make political hay.

You bastards stole the election using covid as an excuse to change State voting laws illegally without a vote and " fortify " the election with harvested ballots of people who normally don't vote, but who got mail out ballots because of covid, ballots that were turned into harvested votes by activists.

Trumps lawsuits for said offenses were denied standing by the courts on account of covid.

Democrats stole the election and people protested, most of the protesters should be pardoned IMO.
That is WRONG. Leave it to the NY Post to get this all wrong. The FBI made sure that Trump wasn't even there as they cordinated with the Secret Serive and that form was more about what the FBI couldn't do than any intent they had. Biden was given the exact same form when his house was searched after he found and turned over documents he shouldn't have had.

Trump is still railing about Biden's age and being unfit to serve. Last time I looked Trump is the only old fart in ths race. But, keep talking about Biden. :ROFLMAO:

There was no need for any of it, it was all about interfering with the new election by weaponizing our legal system.
The FBI asked Trump to put an extra lock on the doors to protect the documents that Trump is allowed to take/declassify, then they stage that big flashy siege that was all over the news, then Biden got caught with actual stolen secret documents lol.

Biden took secret documents home from when he was a Senator ( illegal ) but Trump as POTUS had the right to declassify and take home any documents.
Many of the truly peaceful protesters who walked into the Capital through open doors...... walked in calmly ..... past security guards who said nothing..... looking like tourist..... had the book thrown at them....... had their rights denied and yes some are still locked up without a trial today.

Those innocent protesters who " technically albeit unwittingly " were trespassing did not deserve the sentences they received just to make political hay.

You bastards stole the election using covid as an excuse to change State voting laws illegally without a vote and " fortify " the election with harvested ballots of people who normally don't vote, but who got mail out ballots because of covid, ballots that were turned into harvested votes by activists.

Trumps lawsuits for said offenses were denied standing by the courts on account of covid.

Democrats stole the election and people protested, most of the protesters should be pardoned IMO.

Republians lost the last election. Trump calls it stolen, but no court has found in his favor after 60 tries at it. Trump was denied nothing because of Covid-19. He was denied because his agruments lacked merit. People broke galss and broke down doors to enter the Capital. They assaulted the Capital Police and looted the building. These are not patriots. They were rioters who sought to stop the peaceful transfer of power on 1/6/21.
There was no need for any of it, it was all about interfering with the new election by weaponizing our legal system.
The FBI asked Trump to put an extra lock on the doors to protect the documents that Trump is allowed to take/declassify, then they stage that big flashy siege that was all over the news, then Biden got caught with actual stolen secret documents lol.

Biden took secret documents home from when he was a Senator ( illegal ) but Trump as POTUS had the right to declassify and take home any documents.

Trump held onto those documents long after he was told to give them back and only got them when a search warrant was issued. Trump declassified nothing. There are proceedures for that and Trump did none of them. Now Jack Smith is going before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has already slapped down Cannon twice before now for what they called very bad rulings.
The 11th circuit court doesn't overrule the scotus who has already ruled on Smith, smith can not go forward as he was not properly appointed.

Kamala Cackling-koo-koo Harris hardly has a chance, good luck stealing an election for Harris, nobody will believe it if dems do, no matter how much propaganda you spew, it's over, give it up, you're through.

Harris is not legally the nominee, she doesn't have a single delegate vote, on August 22nd we will see.
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The 11th circuit court doesn't overrule the scotus who has already ruled on Smith, smith can not go forward as he was not properly appointed.

Kamala Cackling-koo-koo Harris hardly has a chance, good luck stealing an election for Harris, nobody will believe it if dems do, no matter how much propaganda you spew, it's over, give it up, you're through.

Only Clarence Thomas said in his opinion that he would uphold Smith's departure. There is a lot of percedent for an appointed special counsel. So, good luck with that. You're gonna need it.

Keep telling yourself Harris can't win. Maybe in your dreams. :ROFLMAO:
Harris is not legally the nominee, she doesn't have a single delegate vote, on August 22nd we will see.
