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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Sorry. I didn't see I had a typo in the link I gave you until about 15 minutes later. The link is good now.

Okay. So basically Trump didn't say anything like that himself, they are discussing the lessening of 'protections' for trans people which I am not at all opposed to. I don't like the idea of paying for elective surgeries with tax dollars, I don't like how in Canada you can go to jail for misgendering someone, I don't want the USA to become like that.

This is fear mongering to spin up anti-Trump sentiment. How many people are actually trans? If someone misgenders a person does it actually harm them, and finally if they can't get free surgery that they'll likely come to regret does it cause real harm? The suicide rate among trans people is something like 40% if I remember correctly? Surgery ain't the issue. It should be called exactly what it is: part of the mental health crises.

Okay. So basically Trump didn't say anything like that himself, they are discussing the lessening of 'protections' for trans people which I am not at all opposed to. I don't like the idea of paying for elective surgeries with tax dollars, I don't like how in Canada you can go to jail for misgendering someone, I don't want the USA to become like that.

This is fear mongering to spin up anti-Trump sentiment. How many people are actually trans? If someone misgenders a person does it actually harm them, and finally if they can't get free surgery that they'll likely come to regret does it cause real harm? The suicide rate among trans people is something like 40% if I remember correctly? Surgery ain't the issue. It should be called exactly what it is: part of the mental health crises.

There were links throughout that article. Did you look at those?
Fascist talking points there for sure. People also used to say that homosexuality was mental illness.

It seems you don't care what the facts are when they contradict your preferred beliefs. Saying you don't believe the regret rate is lower, etc. Didn't even ask me for proof. You should listen to the wise words of Ben shapiro, "facts don't care about your feelings"

Wonder how doctors and hospitals will handle intersex babies or people with abnormal chromosome configurations under trump's plan to mandate that only male and female sexes exist and are assigned at birth. Sounds like I'll be a 💩 show to me

Yup I did know that hamas still has hostages. Did you know isreali troops and bombs have killed more of their own hostages than have been rescued?
Personally I have nothing against LGBTQ+
However I don't want it forced onto children, today kids are dressing up to look androgynous and some kids are virtue signaling by taking hormones and even having gender reassignment surgery when they didn't really suffer gender dysphoria.

My point is kids with gender dysphoria should discuss it with their own healthcare professionals, it shouldn't be shoved into everyone's face in our schools all the time because young people are susceptible to repetitive suggestion.

Yup I did know that hamas still has hostages. Did you know isreali troops and bombs have killed more of their own hostages than have been rescued?

That's not true.
Of the 250 hostages
116 hostages had been returned alive to Israel, with 105 being released in a prisoner exchange deal, four released by Hamas unilaterally and seven rescued by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Latest news: About 250 hostages were taken by Hamas and its allies on Oct. 7. Israelis said at least 111 remain in Gaza and of those, at least 72 are believed to still be alive.

edit: well I just read that 70 of 130 hostages were claimed to have been killed by Isreali bombs, but they shouldn't have been taken in the 1st place.

How would you feel if your loved ones were taken hostage and said to have died via. bombing ?
I would feel like it was the fault of the terrorist and I would want them wiped out.
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If you are referring to bottom surgery, this is not done on minors. Some people do regret transition. Conservatives latch onto these stories and pretend they are more representative than they are. Can you show me proof that it is being "forced" on anyone, and that it's not actually just adolescents coming out as trans and conservatives being uncomfortable with that because they think it's degenerate?

I'm glad you think it should be between a family and their doctor, I would concur. It's a shame that Trump and many other Republicans do not share your view

I am right about the hostages. I said RESCUED. not released as part of a deal. The fact that the vast majority were released from a deal should clue you in as to the best way forward if the hostages well being were really the chief concern of Bibi. It's not though, ethnic cleansing is
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Personally I have nothing against LGBTQ+
However I don't want it forced onto children, today kids are dressing up to look androgynous and some kids are virtue signaling by taking hormones and even having gender reassignment surgery when they didn't really suffer gender dysphoria.

My point is kids with gender dysphoria should discuss it with their own healthcare professionals, it shouldn't be shoved into everyone's face in our schools all the time because young people are susceptible to repetitive suggestion.

I'm going to be bold and say it, though some of you might hate me for it, I'm totally against it. Especially when they demand praise and special treatment as well as spread it to children like you said. Kids grow up confused because of it. Doesn't help when some hairy guy in bdsm costumes exposing themselves and people allowing it because you can't talk against them. Flags everywhere. Every day seems to be pride month. Just tired of it.

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Ah yes, special treatment, as in, equality. I won't say it's never a choice, but most gay people were born that way. I know you'd rather they weren't. tough cookies also, anyone exposing themselves to kids should be arrested, that is a crime. I suspect you made this up
I'm going to be bold and say it, though some of you might hate me for it, I'm totally against it. Especially when they demand praise and special treatment as well as spread it to children like you said. Kids grow up confused because of it. Doesn't help when some hairy guy in bdsm costumes exposing themselves and people allowing it because you can't talk against them. Flags everywhere. Every day seems to be pride month. Just tired of it.

I tend to agree, while everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that doesn't mean we should all have to celebrate the acceptance of transgenderism and nobody should be penalized for misspeaking someones freaking pronouns.
It's as if we are all expected to virtue signal when tested in public, I won't do it.

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Ah yes, special treatment, as in, equality. I won't say it's never a choice, but most gay people were born that way. I know you'd rather they weren't. tough cookies also, anyone exposing themselves to kids should be arrested, that is a crime. I suspect you made this up
Oh please what equality? You mean supremacy. I don't believe a child is born anything. It's what is imposed upon them like they are doing right now to innocent children. You think I made that up!!? Wow can someone show this guy the stuff they've been doing in front of children?
I agree that it should not be criminalized and that if it were that would violate your 1st amendment right to be a hateful bigot.

By the way the law in Canada that conservatives like Jordan Peterson cite claiming you can be jailed for it, guess how many people in Canada have been jailed for it.

A grand total of 0. ZERO.
Yes, conservatives make stuff up all the time. Like claiming that democrats support post-birth abortion. Or claiming that schools have litter boxes for kids who identify as cats. Or the story about homeless vets being kicked out of housing to make room for illegals. All complete fabrications
I agree that it should not be criminalized and that if it were that would violate your 1st amendment right to be a hateful bigot.

By the way the law in Canada that conservatives like Jordan Peterson cite claiming you can be jailed for it, guess how many people in Canada have been jailed for it.

A grand total of 0. ZERO.
I was actually waiting for someone to call me either a bigot or some other stupid name
Personally I have nothing against LGBTQ+
However I don't want it forced onto children, today kids are dressing up to look androgynous and some kids are virtue signaling by taking hormones and even having gender reassignment surgery when they didn't really suffer gender dysphoria.

My point is kids with gender dysphoria should discuss it with their own healthcare professionals, it shouldn't be shoved into everyone's face in our schools all the time because young people are susceptible to repetitive suggestion.

Leave it the NY Post to find one out the few that regret being trans and having hormone therapy. I wouldn't have thought that she was forced to undergo surgery at 15, but I'm sure she believes it now. I haven't personally met anyone who resisted these therapies like she now claims, but Republicans always find a way to make a mountain out of a mole hill when they have an issue to pursue. I feel for her now. I wish she weren't depressed, though she says she feels better now. I don't really see why Republicans have made an issue out of this, but their motives often escape me.
